Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/742

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Method.—Prepare the ham as in the preceding recipe, and let it soak for a few hours in vinegar and water. Put it on in cold water, and when it boils add the vegetables and herbs. Simmer very gently until tender, take it out, strip off the skin, cover with bread-raspings, and put a paper ruche or frill round the knuckle.

Time.—A ham weighing 10 lb., 4 hours. Average Cost, 1s. per lb., by the whole ham.

1139.—TO BOIL BACON. (Fr.Petit Lard Bouilli.)

Ingredients.—Bacon, water.

Method.—As bacon is frequently excessively salt, let it be soaked in warm water for an hour or two previous to dressing it; then pare off the rusty parts, and scrape the under-side and rind as clean as possible. Put it into a saucepan of cold water, let it come gradually to a boil, and as fast as the scum rises to the surface of the water, remove it. Let it simmer very gently until it is thoroughly done; then take it up, strip off the skin, and sprinkle over the bacon a few bread-raspings and garnish with tufts of cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. When served alone, young and tender broad beans or green peas are the usual accompaniments.

Time.—1 lb. of bacon, ¾ of an hour; 2 lb., 1½ hours. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s. per lb. for the prime parts.


Ingredients.—Pork, water.

Method.—Should the pork be very salt, let it remain in water about 2 hours before it is dressed. Put it into a saucepan with sufficient cold water to cover it, let it gradually come to a boil, then gently simmer until quite tender. Allow ample time for it to cook, as nothing is more unwholesome than underdone pork, and, when boiled fast, the meat becomes hard. This is sometimes served with boiled poultry and roast veal, instead of bacon; when tender, and not over salt, it will be found equally good.

Time.—A piece of pickled pork weighing 2 lb., 1¼ hours; 4 lb., rather more than 2 hours. Average Cost, 9d. per lb. for the prime parts.


Method.—Melt the inner fat of the pig by putting it in a stone jar, and placing this in a saucepan of boiling water, previously stripping off the skin. Let it simmer gently, and, as it melts, pour it carefully from the sediment. Put it into small jars or bladders for use, and keep it in a cool place. The flead or inside fat of the pig before it is melted makes exceedingly light crust, and is particularly wholesome. It may be preserved a length of time by salting it well, and occasionally chang-