Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/460

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crumbs. Have ready a deep pan of fat, and fry the fish until lightly browned and crisp. Drain well, garnish with sliced lemon and parsley, and serve the sauce separately.

Time.—To fry, 5 or 6 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 2s. per lb. Seasonable from February to September. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.

676.—TROUT, FILLETS OF, WITH TOMATO SAUCE. (Fr.Filets de Truite à la Tomate.)

Ingredients.—1 or 2 trout, 1½ ozs. of butter, 2 shallots finely-chopped, ½ a teaspoonful of parsley finely-chopped, ¼ of a teaspoonful of powdered mixed herbs, salt and pepper, ⅓ of a pint of hot tomato sauce, No. 281.

Method.—Prepare the trout as directed in the preceding recipe, and place the fillets in a baking-dish, in which the butter has been previously melted. Season liberally with salt and pepper, add the shallots, parsley and herbs, and cover closely with a greased paper. Cook gently for about 20 minutes, then transfer the fish to a hot dish, pour the prepared sauce over, and serve.

Time.—About 20 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 2s. per lb. Seasonable from February to September.

677.—TROUT, STEWED. (Fr.Truite au Vin Rouge.)

Ingredients.—2 good-sized trout, ½ an onion thinly sliced, a little parsley, 2 cloves, 1 blade of mace, 2 bay-leaves, a little thyme, salt and pepper to taste, 1 pint of stock, No. 5 or 7, 1 glass of claret or port wine, 1 oz. each of butter and flour.

Method.—Wash the fish very clean, and wipe it quite dry. Lay it in a stewpan, with all the ingredients but the butter and flour, and simmer gently for ½ an hour. While the fish is cooking, melt the butter in a stewpan, stir in the flour, and cook for 4 or 5 minutes. When ready, place the fish on a hot dish, strain the liquor over the flour and butter, and stir until it boils and becomes smooth. Season to taste, pour over the fish, and serve.

Time.—40 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 2s. per lb. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable from February to September, but in the best condition in August.

The Trout (Fr. truite), the name given to various species of the Salmonidae, or salmon family especially to the common trout (Salmo fario), which abounds in many of the rivers, lakes and clear running streams of Britain and northern Europe. The colour of the trout is yellowish-brown above varied with reddish-brown, and crimson spots on the lateral line; the abdomen is silvery-white, while a rich, golden-yellow extends along the under part of the sides. The flesh and tint of the trout vary in different localities. In weight, the common trout averages about 1 lb. Towards the end of September trout quit the deep water to which they have retired in the hot weather—the trout is very partial to shady nooks—for the purpose of spawning on the gravelly bottoms of rivers or streams. During the spawning season trout become soft and unwholesome as food. Other species of trout are the Lochleven trout peculiar to that loch, of larger dimensions than the common trout, and forming a distinct species; the Great Lake trout, common in some of the large lakes of England and Ireland, sometimes attaining to a considerable size and weight—in colour it is dark-brown, with a purple tint; and the salmon trout, which, like the salmon, migrates to the sea and returns to spawn in the rivers.