Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/432

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point. Whisk briskly until boiling, let the preparation stand undisturbed for 10 minutes, then strain through a jelly bag, and when quite cold and on the point of setting, pour a little into a mould. Divide the salmon into large flakes, and as soon as the jelly in the mould hardens, cover lightly with pieces of salmon. Add a layer of jelly, let it set, and cover with salmon, repeating the process until the mould is full. Keep on ice until ready to serve.

Time.—About 4 hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. to 3s., exclusive of the stock.

605.—SALMON, PAUPIETTES OF, REGENCE STYLE. (Fr.Paupiettes de Saumon à la Régence.)

Ingredients.—About 2½ lb. of salmon (jowl), 1 large whiting, 3 ozs. of panada, 2 ozs. of butter, the yolks of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of Béchamel sauce, seasoning, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, preserved mushroom heads for garnish, Régence sauce (No. 270).

Method.—Remove the fillets of salmon from the bone, cut off the skin, divide each fillet in half lengthwise, and cut them into rather thin long slices of even size, trimming them neatly. Skin and bone the whiting, pound it in a mortar until smooth, add the panada, mix well, then add the egg yolks, about 1 oz. of butter, the Béchamel sauce, and the chopped parsley. Season to taste with salt, pepper, cayenne and nutmeg, and rub through a fine sieve. Spread each slice of salmon with a layer of this farce or forcemeat, roll up into paupiette shapes, and tie each with string or skewer them together in twos or threes. Place them in a sauté-pan containing 1 oz. of melted butter, divide the remainder of the butter into little bits, placing these on the top of the paupiettes, cover with a buttered paper, and cook in a moderate oven from 20 to 25 minutes, basting frequently. When done, take up, remove the skewers or string, and dress the paupiettes on a hot dish. Have the Régence sauce nicely heated, add the mushroom heads, allowing 1 large head for each paupiette; place the mushrooms on the paupiettes, sauce over carefully, and serve hot.

Time.—To cook, from 20 to 25 minutes. Average Cost, 5s. to 6s. Sufficient for 10 persons. Seasonable from April to August.

606.—SALMON, PICKLED. (Fr.Saumon Mariné.)

Ingredients.—Salmon, ½ an oz. of whole pepper, ½ an oz. of whole all-spice, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 2 bay-leaves, equal quantities of vinegar and the liquor in which the fish was boiled.

Method.—After the fish comes from table, and the bones have been removed lay it in a clean deep dish. Boil the liquor and vinegar with the other ingredients for 10 minutes, let them stand to get cold, then pour them over the salmon, and in 12 hours it will be ready for use