Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/280

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Ingredients.—1½ gills of aspic jelly, 1 gill of double cream, a teaspoonful of lemon-juice, a pinch of white pepper, and a pinch of castor sugar.

Method.—Put the cream into a basin, stir it with a whisk, and gradually add the aspic, which must be liquid, and add the lemon-juice and seasoning, pass through a tammy or fine strainer, and use to mark chickens, etc.

Brown Sauces.

225.—BACON SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce au Lard Fumé.)

Ingredients.—¼ a lb. of ham or bacon cut into dice, 1 small onion finely-chopped, 1 dessertspoonful of flour, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, ½ a pint of water, salt and pepper.

Method.—Fry the bacon slightly, add the onion, sprinkle in the flour, and fry slowly until lightly browned. Season to taste, add the vinegar and water, stir until boiling, then pour over the previously cooked potatoes, and serve as an accompaniment with roast chicken or veal.

Time.—About 20 minutes. Average Cost, 6d. to 8d.

226.—BIGARADE SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Bigarade.) (For Roast Duck or Goose.)

Ingredients.—½ a Seville orange, ½ a pint of brown sauce, ½ a pint of good stock, 1 glass of port wine, 1 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, salt and pepper.

Method.—Strain the juice of the orange. Cut the rind into very fine strips, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer gently from 10 to 15 minutes, then strain and drain well. Mix the brown sauce, stock and orange-juice together, and boil until reduced to half the original quantity. Strain, return to the saucepan, add the prepared orange-rind, lemon-juice and port wine, season to taste, boil and use as required.

Time.—From 35 to 45 minutes. Average Cost, 1s.

227.—BORDELAISE SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Bordelaise.)

Ingredients.—¾ of a pint of Espagnole sauce, 1 glass of claret, 2 finely-chopped shallots, ½ an oz. of glaze, 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, tarragon and chervil, a pinch of sugar, seasoning.

Method.—Put the wine and shallots into a saucepan, and reduce to half the quantity. Add the sauce and cook slowly for 20 minutes. Skim, and add the rest of the ingredients, boil up, and serve.

Time.—About 40 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. 6d.