Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/278

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Method.—Melt the butter, stir in the flour, cook over the fire for a few minutes, but do not let the flour brown. Add stock, mushroom liquor, bouquet-garni, and crushed peppercorns. Boil slowly for 20 minutes, skim well. Pass through a tammy-cloth, warm up, and just before serving add cream, seasoning, and lemon-juice.

Time.—About ½ an hour. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s.

218.—VINAIGRETTE SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Vinaigrette.) (For Asparagus, Calf's Head, Brains, etc.)

Ingredients.—4 tablespoonfuls of salad oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, ½ a teaspoonful each of finely-chopped gherkin, shallot and parsley, salt and pepper.

Method.—Mix all well together, and use as required.

Time.—About 5 minutes. Average Cost, 4d. or 5d.


Ingredients.—¼ of a pint of good white stock, ¾ of a pint of Béchamel sauce, 1 tablespoonful of cream, 1 oz. of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of finely-chopped fresh button mushrooms, 1 dessertspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 shallot finely chopped, salt and pepper.

Method.—Melt the butter in a stewpan, put in the mushrooms and shallot, and fry without browning for about 10 minutes. Add the stock, cover closely, and simmer until reduced to about ½ the original quantity. Put in the Béchamel sauce and boil up, then add seasoning to taste, the chopped parsley and cream, and use as required.

Time.—40 to 50 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s.

220.—WHITE MUSHROOM SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce aux Champignons [Blanche].)

Ingredients.—1½ gills of Béchamel sauce, 1½ gills of veal stock, 8 or 10 preserved mushrooms, ½ a gill of the liquor, ½ a gill of Chablis, 1 dessertspoonful of lemon-juice, 1 tablespoonful of cream.

Method.—Boil the stock and Béchamel together until reduced to half the original quantity. Add the mushrooms sliced, the liquor, lemon-juice, and wine. Boil again, skim, season, and add the cream.

Time.—20 to 25 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. 2d. to 1s. 4d.


Ingredients.—1 oz. of butter, 1 oz. of flour, ½ a pint of milk, ½ a gill of white stock, ½ a bay-leaf, salt and white pepper.