Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2142

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podium for heavy dull pain in chest like a weight, Bryonia or Pulsatilta; when nausea is the prominent symptom, Ipecacuanha. Repeat dose 3 times a day before food.

Influenza.—In ordinary cases for the aching pains, headache and lassitude, begin with Gelsemium every 2 hours. If bone pains are marked, substitute Eupatorium perf. 3x. If the pains produce great restlessness, Rhus Tox. If there is much headache with pains behind the eyes, Cimicifuga. If much sneezing and running of nose with irritating discharge, or if there is great prostration and restlessness, Arsenicum is indicated.

Liver.—Enlarged, with pain behind right shoulder blade, with or without jaundice, Chelidonium 2x; dull pain in liver with jaundice and depression, Mercurius; liver sluggish with morning diarrhœa, Podophyllum 6x; dose, repeat 3 times a day.

Neuralgia.—Right-sided, relieved by heat, Magnesium Phosphoricum 6x. Left side of face and eye, Spigelia 3x. Chronic periodical, Arsenicum. Recent cases due to cold or draught, Aconite. Dose, repeat every half-hour during attacks.

Pleurisy.Aconite and Bryonia are the most frequently needed medicines, given hourly in alternation.

Pneumonia.—In early stage, Aconite, followed by Ferrum Phosphoricum every hour; when fully established, Phosphorus 6 every 2 or 3 hours.

Rheumatism.—In acute case begin with Aconite every hour or two. If relief is not obtained in 12 hours, give Bryonia if patient wants to be quite still; Rhus if patient still feels restless and desires to be moved. In chronic cases, Bryonia if the pains are relieved by rest. Rhus if they are relieved by continued motion. Dulcamara if markedly aggravated by damp.

Rickets.—In fat flabby children with cold clammy feet, Calcarea carb 30 2 or 3 times a day will do wonders; in thin children Calc. Phos. 6x 3 times a day; in fair children with sweaty heads, Silica 30 once a day.

Sore Throat.—Simple cases, throat feels dry, looks red, pain on swallowing, Belladonna every hour; if it begins left side, Lachesis 30; if tonsils enlarged and dotted over with small white spots, Phytolacca 1x.

Teething.—For teething, when they are very fretful and want to be nursed all the time, Chamomilla every hour or two; when the teeth decay soon after they are cut, Kreasote 6 twice a day.

Whooping Cough.—In the early stage Aconite every 2 hours, when dry, teasing cough; when cough becomes spasmodic, Ipecacuanha after each attack; when whoop is developed, Drosera 6 unless following indications present. If child cries before each fit of coughing, Arnica 6; if there is vomiting of thick mucous with cough specially in morning, or if urine deposits red sand, Coccus cacti 6; if spasms very severe, turns black in face with them, Cuprum 6. In each case repeat dose after each spasm.