Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2068

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mixture to be given every 3 hours. The joints should be wrapped in cotton wool, and the patient wear woollen in preference to linen articles of clothing next the skin, since profuse sweating is often a characteristic feature of the disease.


Abscess.—A circumscribed inflammation ending in the formation of matter which has to be discharged either by breaking through the skin or being let out by an incision. May occur in any part of the body. Should be ripened by poulticing or fomenting. When the abscess "points" an incision should be made in the softest spot, and the matter evacuated.

Acidity.—Give equal parts of lime-water and milk; or 10 to 20 grains of magnesia may be given in a little milk 3 times a day. The following mixture is useful in this affection: bicarbonate of soda, 3 drachms; subnitrate of bismuth, 2 drachms; water, 8 ounces. Shake the bottle, and take 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day.

Ague.—Give 4 or 5 grains of sulphate of quinine every 4 hours during the interval of the fit.

Baldness may be due to impaired nutrition in the scalp, or to a scurfy condition of the skin. In the first case a stimulating lotion should be used. 3 drachms of tincture of cantharides, 6 drachms of tincture of quinine, 4 drachms of sal-volatile and water to 8 ozs. Apply to the roots of the hair. If the head is scurfy use as a shampoo a mixture of soft soap 3 parts and eau-de-Cologne 1 part. If the scurf persists, it is probably due to a complaint called seborrhœa, which will require skilled attention.

Bed Sores.—Clean the sores thoroughly with carbolic lotion 1 part in 40 of water, and then apply zinc oxide ointment. Avoid pressure on the affected part by means of a ring-shaped pad.

Blackheads or Acne.—Common at the age of puberty. Steam the face, and then squeeze out the contents of each pimple with a watch-key. Subsequently apply an ointment consisting of 1 drachm of flowers of sulphur to an ounce of cold cream. Do this in the evening, and wash off the ointment in the morning.

Boils.—Brush tincture or liniment of belladonna over them before they are broken, to cause them to abort; this may be done night and morning. If very painful, and not likely to be thus got rid of, use hot boracic fomentations.

Bunions.— Inflammation of the tissues over the great toe joint, with enlargement of the bone itself, partly real, and partly apparent, due to the pushing of the great toe towards the second toe, and consequent semi-dislocation.