Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/196

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longer; take out the ham when done, as some of it will be required for garnish. Special attention must be paid to the simmering and occasional skimming of the soup in order to keep it clear, otherwise it will require clarifying. Strain the soup through a cloth into a clean stewpan, and keep hot.

Prepare the garniture as follows: Cut the white portion of the celery into small dice or strips, cook in slightly salted water containing a small piece of butter. Cook the macaroni in salted water, cool and strain, then cut it into short pieces. Prepare some small quenelles with the breast of grouse and panada (a culinary paste of flour and water), and poach in a little stock. Cut the cooked ham into strips or dice the same as the celery, and put these into the consommé to get thoroughly hot. Stamp out some small rounds of bread crust cut from the roll, put these in the soup tureen, pour over the consommé. Hand round the grated cheese on a plate.

Time.—About 3 hours. Average Cost, 3s. 8d., without the game. Sufficient for 8 persons.

34.—CLEAR JARDINIERE SOUP. (Fr.Consommé à la Jardinière.)

Ingredients.—3 pints of clear soup (see Recipe No. 42, p. 156), 2 carrots, 1 turnip, ½ a cucumber, salt.

Method.—Scrape the carrots, pare the turnip, but leave the skin on the cucumber, as the green has a pleasing effect when mixed with the other vegetables. Cut the vegetables (with a round cutter sold for the purpose) the size and shape of peas, and boil them separately in slightly salted water until tender, taking care not to cook them too much. Drain well, add the vegetables to the boiling soup, simmer for a few minutes, then serve.

Time.—To prepare and cook the vegetables, ½ an hour. Average Cost, 2s. 4d. Seasonable in Spring. Sufficient for 6 persons.

35.—CLEAR JULIENNE SOUP. (Fr.Consommé à la Julienne.)

Ingredients.—3 pints of clear soup (see Recipe No. 42, p. 156), 1 carrot, 1 onion, ½ a turnip, a strip of celery, pepper and salt, ½ an oz. of butter.

Method.—Prepare the vegetables and cut them into fine strips like small matches, melt the butter in a small saucepan, put in the strips of vegetable with a little salt and pepper, and fry gently for a few minutes, shaking frequently to prevent browning. Drain well to free them from butter, add them to the hot soup, and simmer gently for 15 or 20 minutes, keeping the soup well skimmed.