Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1861

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Squab chicken, a young chicken, applicable to animals while young, fat, and clumsy. Squab pie is therefore primarily a (young) pigeon pie. Such a pie becomes Devonshire squab pie by the addition of apples. Squab pigeons—innocents of French cooks.

Stechi. A Russian oatmeal soup.

Stirabout. Name of an Irish dish similar to Scotch porridge.

Succotash. An American dish made of green corn and Lima beans. The dish is said to be borrowed from the Narraganset Indians, known to them as msickquatash.

Suédoise (à la) (Fr.). Swedish style.

Suprême (Fr.). A rich, delicately flavoured cream sauce, made from chicken stock, etc.

Syllabub. A kind of milk punch flavoured with liqueurs and spices. Usually served in glasses.

Tagliarini (It.). A kind of macaroni paste cut in fine shreds.

Tailler la soupe (Fr.). A culinary expression. Thin slices or crusts of bread placed in a soup tureen are called tailler. "Tremper la soupe" is the French term applied when the broth is poured over the slices.

Talmouse (Fr.). A kind of French pastry, sweet or savoury, made in the shape of parsons' caps.

Tamis (Fr.). Tammy. Woollen canvas cloth which is used for straining soups and sauces.

Tansy (Eng.). A herb with strong aromatic flavour, sometimes used for flavouring in puddings. A variety of custard.

Tarragon (Eng.). Estragon (Fr.). Aromatic plant used for flavouring vinegar, sauces, etc.

Tartare (Fr.). A cold sauce, made of yolks of egg, oil, mustard, capers, gherkins, etc., served with fried fish or cold meats; also a salad dressing.

Terrapin. South American, fresh-water and tidal turtle, very little known and used in England.

Terrine (Fr.). A small earthenware pan or pot, used for potting foie-gras, pâtés and potted meats. A tureen for soup.

Tête de veau (Fr.). Calf's head.

Timbale (Fr.). Literally "kettle-drum." A kind of crusted hash baked in a mould.

Tobasco. Name of a savoury Indian dish.

Toddy. An American punch. The fundamental juice of various palms of the East Indies; a mixture of whisky, sugar, and hot water.

Tokai (Fr.). Tokay (Eng.). A wine produced at Tokay, in Hungary; a variety of grape.

Tom and Jerry. An American drink of hot rum and eggs, spiced and sweetened; an egg punch.

Tomber à glace (Fr.). To reduce a liquid till it has the appearance of a thick syrup.

Tonalchile (Fr.). Guinea pepper.

Topinambours (Fr.). Jerusalem artichokes.

Tortue (Fr.). Turtle; also called sea-tortoise.

Toulouse (à la) (Fr.). A rich white stew of white meats, mushrooms, truffles, etc., used for filling crusts or for garnishing.

Tournedos (Fr.). Small thin fillets of beef served as entrees. First served in Paris in 1855.

Tourner (Fr.). To turn. To stir a sauce; also to pare and cut roots.

Tourte (Fr.). An open tart baked in a round shallow tin; also a flat dough case in which ragoûts are served.

Tourtelettes (Fr.). Small tartlets.

Tranche (Fr.). Slice. Mostly applied to salmon, cod, etc.

Trautmannsdorff (Ger.). Name of an Austrian count, born 1749, died 1827. Several sweets are styled after his name.