Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/186

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11.—BEEF BROTH. (Fr.Croûte-au-pot.)

Ingredients.—2 quarts of good first stock (see Recipe No. 3, p. 139), 1 carrot, 1 turnip, ½ a cabbage, 2 ozs. of butter, 1 dinner roll, parsley or chives, pepper, salt, and nutmeg to season.

Method.—The stock should be made from beef and veal bones, well skimmed, but not necessarily clarified. The vegetables, after being washed and pared, may be cooked whole in the stock-pot.

Cut the carrot and turnip into round slices, drain the cabbage and cut it into small pieces. Put all the vegetables in a stewpan with the butter, cover, and cook slowly for about 10 minutes. Season with pepper, salt, and a little grated nutmeg. Strain the stock on to the vegetables, let them simmer for about 30 minutes, and skim occasionally. Cut the roll into thin round slices, place them on a baking sheet, bake them on both sides a golden brown in a moderate oven, put them in a soup tureen, moisten with a little stock, pour the soup over, sprinkle over with a little chopped parsley or chives, and serve.

Average Cost.—2s. 6d. Seasonable at all times. Sufficient for 6 or 8 persons.

The Carrot (Fr. carotte) is a biennial plant of the natural order Umbelliferae. In its natural state the root is small, tapering, of a white colour, and strongly flavoured. It is indigenous to Britain and most parts of Europe, was cultivated in England as early as the sixteenth century, and has also been grown in North America and China. The cultivated variety of the carrot varies in colour from pale-yellow to orange-red, the latter being the more esteemed. The carrot is not very nutritive, containing but few flesh-forming constituents; it has, however, a large proportion of saccharine matter. It is slightly laxative. The leaves of the carrot have an elegant feathery appearance, and a pretty winter ornament may be made by placing the cut top of a carrot in a shallow vessel of water, when the young leaves will spring forth, and grow with a pleasant freshness.


This is the same as Pot-au-feu (see Recipe No. 17, p. 144), using the broth, which should be seasoned and served in cups, with a few thin sippets of bread, and a little finely-chopped parsley.

13.—CHICKEN BROTH. (Fr.Bouillon de Volaille.)

Ingredients.—1 chicken, 2 quarts of cold water, 1 small onion, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 blade of mace, 1 tablespoonful of rice (this may be omitted), salt and pepper.

Method.—Cut the chicken into small pieces, break the bones, scald and skin the feet and gizzard, and wash the neck and liver. Put these into a stewpan, add the water and ½ a teaspoonful of salt, bring to the boil, and skim. Add the onion and mace, and cook slowly for 3 hours, Strain, return to the stewpan, bring to the boil, sprinkle in the rice, and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the parsley, season to taste, and serve.

Time.—3¾ to 4 hours. Average Cost, 3s. Seasonable at any time. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.