Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1854

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Mayonnaise (Fr.). A kind of salad of fish or poultry, with a thick cold sauce made of yolks of eggs, oil and vinegar. A salad sauce or dressing. The sauce is said to have been invented by the chef to the Duc de Richelieu, after the victory of Mahon (Mahonnaise).

Mazagran. A French term for a glass of black coffee, sugar and water.

Mazarines (Fr.). Turbans. Forcemeat ornaments of fish, poultry or game. Entrées consisting of combined fillets of meat and forcemeat.

Menu (Fr.). The bill of fare. Literally the word means minute detail of courses. A list of the dishes which are to be served at a meal. Menus were first used in 1541. Pronounce "Menu" as "mennuu," so that the second syllable is sounded as something between "new" and "noo."

Menu rot (Fr.). Small roast birds.

Menus droits (Fr.) Pig's ears served up as an entrée.

Merise, Meriser (Fr.). A wild cherry, wild cherry tree. The Kirschwasser is made of this fruit.

Merluche (Fr.). Stock-fish, haddock—dried or smoked.

Mets (Fr.). The meal or dish. "Mets de farine," farinaceous; "entremets de douceur," sweet; "de legumes," vegetable, etc.

Mignonette Pepper. Coarsely-ground white peppercorns. A form of comminuted pepper, which resembles mignonette seed when sifted.

Mijoter (Fr.). To cook slowly; to simmer gently over a small fire.

Millecantons (Fr.). Name of a small fish of the whitebait kind, found in the Lake of Geneva, cooked in the same manner as whitebait. In season in July and August.

Minute (à la) (Fr.). A surname given to dishes which are hurriedly prepared, or anything cooked in the quickest possible style. Omelets and grills come under this heading.

Mirabelles (Fr.). A kind of small yellow plum, very sweet and juicy, used for compotes, fresh or dried.

Mirepoix (Fr.). The foundation preparation of vegetables, herbs and lard, for brown soups and sauces; also for braised meats, etc. Name derived from the Duke de Mirepoix.

Mirlitons (Fr.). A kind of French pastry. Tartlets with a basis of puff paste and filled with custard mixture.

Miroton (Fr.). Thin slices of meat, the size of a five-shilling piece, braised, stewed and dished up in a circular form.

Mitonner (Fr.). To simmer, to soak. To steep and allow to boil during a certain time.

Möelle de boeuf (Fr.). Beef marrow. The fatty substance in the hollow part of bones.

Mont-Frigoul (Semoule Italienne) (Fr.). The name of a French soup.

Mortadelle (Fr.). A kind of sausage, largely manufactured in Bologna.

Mortifie (Fr.). Term applied to meat well hung.

Mote or Moti. Name of an Indian fish curry.

Mouiller (Fr.). To moisten. To add broth, water or any other suitable juice during the cooking of meats.

Mousse (Fr.). A light ice-cream. Among the definitions given for the word are: mossy, froth, and foam. Mousse frappéc is a dish prepared with whipped cream and flavouring, frozen without working. Hot puddings are also prepared as mousses.

Mousseron (Fr.). A kind of white mushroom, principally used for ragoûts.

Mulligatawny. An Indian curry soup; a paste made of curry; derives its name from two words, tamil and molegoo, pepper and tunnee. Derived from an East Indian word meaning pepper water.

Mûre (Fr.). Mulberry. Black and white fruit of a delicate flavour. Used for making jellies, syrups and vinegar.

Muscade (Fr.). Nutmeg or mace.