Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1793

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Ingredients.—2 lbs. of lean mutton, ½ a lb. sliced onion, 2 tablespoonfuls of lime juice, 1 tablespoonful of castor sugar, ½ a teaspoonful each of curry powder, ginger and cloves, salt, rice.

Method.—Slice the meat thinly, barely cover it with warm water, add the onion, lime juice, sugar, curry powder, ginger, cloves and salt to taste. Simmer very gently from 2¼ to 3 hours, and serve with well boiled rice.

Time.—3 hours. Sufficient for 6 persons. Cost, 2s. 3d.


Ingredients.—25 limes, 4 ozs. of salt, 4 ozs. of green chillies, 4 ozs. of green ginger, 2 ozs. of mustard seed freed from husks, 1oz. of ground turmeric, 1½ pints of good vinegar.

Method.—Cut the limes across in halves, squeeze out all the juice, add 2 ozs. of salt, and cover closely. Sprinkle the remaining salt over the rinds, let them remain for 6 hours, then dry them in the sun for 3 days, or until hard. Boil the chillies, green ginger, mustard seed and turmeric in the vinegar for 20 minutes. Let the preparation cool, mix with it the lime juice, and strain it over the lime rinds previously laid compactly in wide-necked bottles or jars. Cover closely, place them in the sun for 3 or 4 days, then store for use.

Time.—5 days. Sufficient for 1 or 2 jars. Cost, uncertain.


Ingredients.—Fresh limes, loaf or castor sugar.

Method.—Squeeze the juice from the limes, strain it, and add sugar to taste. Serve diluted with iced water.


Ingredients.—30 green mangoes, 2 lbs. of sugar, ½ a lb. of salt, 2 lbs. of raisins stoned, 1 lb. of green ginger, 1 lb. of dried chillies, 4 ozs. of garlic, 3 pints of good vinegar.

Method.—Peel and slice the mangoes, chop them finely, also chop finely the raisins, green ginger and garlic. Pound the chillies in a mortar until smooth, then mix them with the rest of the prepared ingredients. Dissolve the sugar and salt in the vinegar, bring to the boil, then let it become quite cold, and mix it with the mangoes, etc. Turn into wide-necked bottles or jars, cover closely, let them remain in the sun for 3 or 4 days, then store for use.

Time.—5 days. Sufficient for 3 jars. Cost, uncertain.