Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1780

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Ingredients.—1 lb. of fine white flour, ½ a lb. of castor sugar, 6 ozs. of butter, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, ¼ of a pint of wine, salt.

Method.—Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, add and beat in the yolks of eggs and the wine, and stir in as lightly as possible the stiffly-whisked whites of the eggs. Pass the flour, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt through a fine sieve, and add lightly to the other ingredients. Put about 1 tablespoonful of the batter into the oublié or wafer pan, over the surface of which it should spread easily, otherwise the batter must be thinned by adding more wine; cook quickly over the fire, remove, and roll while hot.

Time.—To cook each oublié, about 2 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 2s. Sufficient for about 2 lbs. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—2 lbs. of dried peaches, ½ a lb. of brown sugar, ½ a lb. of salt, 2 ozs. of curry powder, 6 large onions sliced, 6 chillies shredded, 6 large pieces of ginger, 1 tablespoonful of pepper, 1 tablespoonful of mustard seeds, 1 tablespoonful of coriander seeds, 3 quarts of vinegar, salad oil.

Method.—Pour the vinegar over the peaches and let them soak for at least 12 hours. Fry the sliced onions in salad oil until well browned and drain well. Pound or crush the spices. Boil all together until the peaches are quite soft but unbroken, then turn into jars or pots, cover closely, and store for use.

Time.—About 15 hours. Average Cost,—3s. 6d. to 4s. Sufficient for about 5 quarts. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—2 lbs. of steak, 2 onions sliced, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, 1 tablespoonful of salad oil, 24 white peppercorns, 6 cloves, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped mixed parsley, thyme and marjoram.

Method.—Place the steak in a deep dish, cover with slices of onions, add the rest of the ingredients, and let the steak remain in the marinade for about 12 hours. Drain and wipe well, and grill quickly over a clear fire. Strain the marinade into a stewpan, boil up, season to taste, put in the steak and let it cook very gently for about 20 minutes.

Time.—To grill the steak, 7 or 8 minutes. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.