Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1578

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remainder of the flour on to the board, rub the butter into it with the hands, then make a bay, add the other 2 ozs. of sugar, the yolks of eggs, and the salt in fine powder, and then if the ferment is ready put it into the bay, wet up into a smooth paste, give it a good kneading, then cover over with a clean cloth, and leave it to prove. When well proved, divide up into pieces about 2 ozs. in weight, and form them into various shapes—twists, crescents, scrolls, rosettes, or any other shape fancy may suggest. As these are formed, set them on to a clean tin, cover them over and leave to prove. When well proved, wash them over with a beaten-up egg, and bake in a moderately warm oven to a nice colour.

These rolls are very much appreciated for afternoon tea, tennis and garden parties, and are an excellent adjunct to coffee, cut up into slices and dried in the oven as rusks.

Time.—About 2 hours. Average Cost, 1s. 8d. Sufficient for 30 to 40 rolls.


Ingredients.—2½ lbs. of whole meal, 1 lb. of white flour, ½ an oz. of carbonate of soda, ½ an oz. of muriatic acid, water.

Method.—Turn the flour, meal and soda into a pan, and mix them well together, make a "bay" or hole in the centre, then take about 1 quart of cold water in a jug, and mix the muriatic acid into it, turn into the bay, and mix into a paste as quickly as possible. Divide into suitable-sized loaves, put them into tins and into the oven as soon as they are placed in the tins. It is important that the paste is not handled more than is necessary, for the gas once evolved soon loses its strength, and may result in heavy, unpalatable bread. This bread can also be made entirely of white flour if preferred.

Note.—Lime water is very useful and beneficial in bread-making; it imparts all the whiteness and softness produced by the use of alum, and has the further merit of taking away any acidity there may be in the dough. The process has been patented by a Scotch firm of bakers.


Ingredients.—3½ lbs. of wholemeal, fine, coarse, or medium, as desired, ½ an oz. of salt, ½ an oz. of compressed yeast, water.

Method.—Put the yeast and salt into a clean bowl, add 1½ pints of warm water, and dissolve the yeast and salt in it. Then mix in the whole of the meal, making a smooth but rather soft dough, cover over, and stand aside in a warm place for about 3 hours, then turn out on to the board, and divide into convenient-sized pieces, mould up, and place into clean greased tins, let them stand to prove for 1 hour, then bake in a moderate oven.