Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1546

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Method.—Mix the oatmeal with a little cold water, boil the remainder, pour in the blended oatmeal, and stir until boiling. Simmer gently for ½ an hour, stirring frequently. Strain, add a pinch of salt, and sweeten to taste. Nutmeg, ginger, butter or cream are frequently added when the gruel is intended as a remedy for a cold.

Time.—35 minutes. Average Cost, 2½d., when milk is used.

3269.—GRUEL, OATMEAL. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—1 tablespoonful of coarse oatmeal, ½ a pint of cold water, sugar to taste, salt.

Method.—Soak the oatmeal in the cold water for 3 hours, then pour the water off into a stewpan. Boil until it thickens, stirring occasionally, add a pinch of salt, sweeten and flavour to taste, and serve.

Time.—3½ hours. Average Cost, ½d.

Note.—A very nutritious gruel can also be made with Patent Groats. Directions are given with each packet.

3270.—GRUEL, SAGO.

Ingredients.—1 dessertspoonful of fine sago, 1 dessertspoonful of castor sugar, ½ a pint of boiling water, 1 glass of port wine.

Method.—Let the water be quite boiling in a stewpan, then sprinkle in the sago and boil gently until it is quite clear, stirring from time to time. Add the sugar and wine, and serve.

Time.—10 minutes. Average Cost, 4½d.


Ingredients.—½ an oz. of Irish moss, 1 dessertspoonful of castor sugar, 1 dessertspoonful of lemon-juice, 1 tablespoonful of wine or brandy, 1 pint of cold water.

Method.—Wash the moss well, then put it into a stewpan with the cold water, and simmer gently for 1 hour. Strain, add the sugar, lemon-juice and wine or brandy, and serve.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 5d.


Ingredients.—The juice of 2 lemons, the rind of 1 lemon, 1 pint of boiling water, 4 or 5 lumps of sugar, or to taste.

Method.—Remove the rind of 1 lemon in thin, fine strips, place them in a jug, add the strained juice of 2 lemons, and the sugar. Pour in the boiling water, cover, let it stand until cold, then strain, and use.

Time.—2 or 3 hours. Average Cost, 2d.

3273.—LEMONADE. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—The juice of 2 lemons, 1 tablespoonful of castor sugar, 1 pint of cold water, ice if allowed.