Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1543

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Ingredients.—1 tablespoonful of Patent Barley (flour), a pinch of salt, a little cold water, ½ a pint of boiling water (or milk), sugar or port to taste.

Method.—Mix the barley well with cold water until a smooth paste, about the thickness of cream, is formed; then add ½ a pint of boiling water (or milk, which is preferable); put into an enamelled saucepan, add sugar or wine to taste, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring all the time with a silver or wooden spoon.

Time.—10 minutes. Sufficient to make ½ a pint. Average Cost, 2½d. without spirit.


Ingredients.—1 dessertspoonful of black-currant jam, 1 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, 1 teaspoonful of castor sugar, ½ a pint of boiling water.

Method.—Put the jam, sugar and lemon-juice into a jug, pour on the boiling water, and stir well. Cover with a plate or saucer, and let the jug stand by the side of the fire for 15 or 20 minutes. Strain and use hot as a remedy for a cold, or allow it to become cold, and use as a beverage to alleviate thirst or hoarseness.

Time.—20 minutes. Average Cost, 2d.

3255.—BRANDY AND EGG MIXTURE. (Dr. P. Muskett.)

Ingredients.—2 ozs. of best brandy, 2 ozs. of cinnamon water, the yolk of 1 egg, ¼ of an oz. of loaf sugar.

Method.—"Beat the yolk of egg and sugar together, and add the cinnamon water and brandy. From ½ a teaspoonful to 1 teaspoonful may be given to infants, and proportionately increased quantities to children, every hour, in extreme weakness. It is one of the most powerful and palatable restoratives known, and often proves of incalculable value."

3256.—BRAN TEA.

Ingredients.—2 tablespoonfuls of bran, 1 tablespoonful of honey, ¼ of an oz. of gum arabic, 1 pint of water.

Method.—Boil the bran in the water for 20 minutes. Add the gum arabic and honey, stir from time to time until dissolved, and strain through muslin. A useful remedy for hoarseness and sore throat.

Time.—½ an hour. Average Cost, 2d.

3257.—BRAN TEA. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—1 pint of wheat bran, 1 quart of boiling water, sugar and cream to taste.

Method.—Put the bran and water into a double saucepan, or failing this, an earthenware jar, and let it stand where it will keep hot, but