Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1528

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3199.—SOLE, STEAMED. (See Whiting, Steamed, No. 3202.)


Ingredients.—1 whiting, which should weigh 4 ozs. when freed from skin and bone, 1 oz. of flour, ½ an oz. of butter, 1 yolk of egg, ½ a gill of milk, ½ a gill of cream, pepper and salt.

Method.—Melt the butter in a stewpan, stir in the flour, add the milk, cook until the panada leaves the sides of the pan and forms a compact mass round the bowl of the spoon, then turn on to a plate to cool. Pound the fish in a mortar until smooth, adding the panada, egg, and a little seasoning, and pass the mixture through a fine sieve. Whip the cream slightly, stir it lightly into the preparation, which afterwards turn into a well-buttered soufflé mould. Cover with a buttered paper, steam gently from 40 to 45 minutes, then turn out and serve, either plain or with a white fish sauce poured over and round.

Time.—1¼ hours. Average Cost, 9d.


Ingredients.—1 whiting, 1 dessertspoonful of vinegar or 1 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, ½ a teaspoonful of salt.

Method.—Remove the skin and truss the whiting with its tail in its mouth. Have ready a stewpan containing just enough hot, but not boiling water, to barely cover the fish, add the vinegar or lemon-juice and the salt, put in the whiting, and cook very gently for 7 or 8 minutes, keeping the water just below simmering point. Observe the cracking of the skin, which is a sure indication that the fish is sufficiently cooked. Drain well, and serve on a folded serviette garnished with parsley and slices of lemon. If allowed, parsley or white sauce should accompany the dish. A sole may be boiled in the same way, but a small fish kettle should be used and the sole laid flat upon the strainer.

Time.—7 or 8 minutes. Average Cost, 4d.


Ingredients.—1 whiting, ½ an oz. of butter, ½ an oz. of flour, lemon-juice, 1 gill of milk, salt and pepper.

Method.—Skin the whiting and truss it with its tail in its mouth. Place it in a well-buttered soup plate, sprinkle it lightly with salt, pepper and lemon-juice, and cover with a buttered paper. Have ready a saucepan containing boiling water, place the plate on the top of it, and cover with another plate or the lid of the saucepan. Cook from 30 to 35 minutes, turning the fish once during the process. Blend the flour and butter, add the milk, stir till boiling, and cook for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, add lemon-juice to taste, pour over the whiting, and serve.

Time.—35 minutes. Average Cost, 5½d