Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1397

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Method.—Prick the sausages, put them into boiling water, cook them for 10 minutes, and when cold remove the skins and cut them across in halves. Melt the butter in a stewpan, put in the mashed potato and cream, season well with salt and pepper, stir until hot, then add the yolk of egg and continue the cooking and stirring for about 5 minutes longer. Let the potato cool, then spread a thin layer over each piece of sausage; coat these with egg and breadcrumbs, fry in hot fat until golden-brown, and serve garnished with fried parsley.

Time.—1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 2d. Sufficient for 4 persons. Seasonable from September to April.

2901.—SAUTÉD KIDNEYS. (Fr.Rognôns Sautés.)

Ingredients.—2 sheep's or 1 pork kidney, 1 oz. of butter, 1 finely-chopped shallot or fine onion, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls of good brown sauce, salt and pepper.

Method.—Skin the kidneys, cut them across into very thin slices, and remove the core. Heat the butter in a sauté-pan, fry the shallot until golden-brown, then put in the sliced kidneys and parsley, season with salt and pepper, and toss them over the fire for 5 or 6 minutes. Add the brown sauce, mix it well with the kidneys, and when thoroughly heated, serve.

Time.—10 minutes. Average Cost, 8d. Sufficient for 2 persons. Seasonable at any time.

Note.—For other recipes for cooking kidneys, see Chapters XVI. and XXI.


Ingredients.—4 eggs, 4 rounds of buttered toast, 2 ozs. of finely-chopped cooked ham, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Method.—Butter 4 small china ramakin cases or dariol moulds, and coat them thickly with ham and parsley, previously mixed together. Break an egg carefully into each case, and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Bake or steam until firm, then turn them on to the prepared toast, and serve.

Time.—10 to 15 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—Cold meat of any description, mashed potato, salt and pepper, frying-batter (see p. 882), frying-fat.

Method.—This dish admits of many variations: thin slices of veal and ham put together, underdone beef seasoned with ketchup or Worcester sauce, or mutton with slices of tomato, are generally liked.