Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1395

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Time.—From 8 to 10 minutes. Average Cost, salmon, 1s. 3d. to 2s. 6d. per lb. Allow 1 lb. to 3 or 4 persons. Seasonable from February to October.

2894.—SALMON, FRIED. (A Jewish Recipe.) (Fr.Tranches des Saumon Frits.)

Ingredients.—2 slices of salmon about 1¼ inches thick, 1 egg, flour, salt and pepper, salad-oil.

Method.—Wash the fish in cold water, dry it well, sprinkle both sides of each slice with salt, let them remain for ½ an hour, then fold them in a clean dry cloth, and press gently to remove all moisture. Season a good tablespoonful of flour with salt and pepper, coat the fish completely, and dip it into beaten egg. While this is being done, heat some salad-oil in a sauté-pan or frying-pan, now put in the fish, and fry until well browned on both sides. Drain thoroughly and serve cold.

Time.—One hour. Average Cost, 2s. to 3s. Sufficient for 4 persons. Seasonable from February to August.

2895.—SALMON FRITTERS. (See Fillets of Salmon Fried in Batter, No. 2857.)

2896.—SALMON PIE. (Fr.Pâté de Saumon.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of cold salmon, 2 tablespoonfuls of mashed potatoes, 2 tablespoonfuls of white breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoonfuls of oiled butter, 2 eggs, ¼ of a pint of milk (about), panurette or browned breadcrumbs, butter, salt and pepper.

Method.—Free the fish from skin and bone, and chop it coarsely. Put it into a basin with the potato, white breadcrumbs, and oiled butter, season rather highly with salt and pepper, and stir in the eggs and as much milk as is needed to form the whole into a stiff batter. Have ready a well greased white china baking dish or a piedish, turn in the fish preparation, sprinkle the surface with red panurette or brown breadcrumbs, and add a few very small bits of butter. Bake in a moderate oven for about 1 hour, or until the mixture is set. Serve hot, or reheat at the time of serving.

Time.—1½ hours. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable from February to September.

2897.—SALMON TIMBALES. (Fr.—Timbales de Saumon.)

Ingredients.—6 ozs. of cold salmon, 2 ozs. of breadcrumbs, ½ an oz. of butter (oiled), 1 large egg or 2 small ones, 1 tablespoonful of cream