Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1384

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Method.—Butter 6 china soufflé cases. Season the ham with pepper, moisten with the sauce or gravy, add a few drops of mushroom ketchup or any cruet sauce, and put the preparation into the cases. Now add the eggs, taking care to keep the yolks whole, and sprinkle on a little salt and pepper. Cover with a thin layer of breadcrumbs, place small pieces of butter on the top, bake in a moderate oven until the eggs are set, and serve them in the cases.

Time.—From 15 to 20 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 3d. Sufficient for 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2853.—EGGS WITH HERBS. (See Savoury Eggs, No. 2902, and Omelette with Herbs, No. 2822.)

2854.—EGGS WITH PARMESAN. (Fr.Œufs au Parmesan.) (See Swiss Eggs.)

2855.—EGGS WITH TONGUE. (Fr.Langue de Bœuf aux Œufs.)

Ingredients.—4 eggs, 4 slices of cooked tongue, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of good gravy, a piece of meat glaze the size of a small walnut, lemon-juice, salt and pepper.

Method.—Put the slices of tongue into a sauté-pan or stewpan, with the gravy and glaze, make thoroughly hot, and season to taste. Poach the eggs in boiling water, slightly salted and flavoured with lemon-juice, and trim them to a round shape. Place the eggs on the slices of tongue, and trim the edges if necessary, arrange on a hot dish, strain the gravy over, and serve.

Time.—15 minutes. Average Cost, 9d. to 1s., exclusive of the tongue. Sufficient for 4 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2856.—FILLETS OF BLOATERS. (See Bloater Fritters, No. 2822.)


Ingredients.—1½ lb. of salmon, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped shallot or onion, ½ a teaspoonful of powdered mixed herbs, flour, frying-batter (see p. 882), frying-oil, salt and pepper.

Method.—Divide the salmon into pieces about 2 inches square, and rather more than ½ an inch in thickness, and roll them in flour seasoned with a little salt and pepper. Make the batter, add to it the onion, parsley, herbs, and a good seasoning of pepper, dip in the pieces of