Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1324

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Ingredients.—¼ of a lb. of coriander seed, ¼ of a lb. of turmeric, 2 ozs. of cinnamon seed, ½ an oz. of cayenne, 1 oz. of mustard, 1 oz. of ground ginger, ½ an oz. of allspice, 2 ozs. of fenugreek-seed.

Method.—Put all the ingredients in a cool oven, where they should remain for 1 night. Then pound them in a mortar, rub them through a sieve, and mix thoroughly together. Keep the powder in a bottle, from which the air should be completely excluded.


Ingredients.—¼ of a lb. of mustard, ¼ of a lb. of flour, ½ an oz. of salt, 4 shallots chopped, 4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, 4 tablespoonfuls of mushroom ketchup, 2 tablespoonfuls of anchovy sauce.

Method.—Put the mustard, flour and salt into a basin, and mix them into a smooth paste with hot water. Boil the shallots with the vinegar, ketchup and anchovy sauce for 10 minutes, then add the blended flour, etc., and stir and simmer gently for 2 or 3 minutes. When quite cold pour the preparation into small bottles, cork them tightly, and store in a cool, dry place.

2678.—KETCHUP. (See Mushroom Ketchup, No. 2682, and Walnut Ketchup, No. 2705.)


Ingredients.—Ripe elderberries, anchovies, shallots, vinegar, cloves, mace, peppercorns.

Method.—Remove the stalks, place the berries in a jar, cover them with vinegar, cook in a moderately hot oven for 3 hours, then strain and measure the vinegar. To each quart add ½ a lb. of coarsely chopped anchovies, 1 oz. of chopped shallots, 6 cloves, 1 blade of mace, and 24 peppercorns. Simmer gently for 1 hour, then strain and bottle for use.

Time.—About 4 hours. Average Cost, 2s. per quart, exclusive of the elderberries.


Ingredients.—1 pint of walnut juice (see No. 2705), 3 pints of good vinegar, ½ a pint of soy, 1 oz. of finely-chopped shallots, ½ an oz. of cayenne, ½ an oz. of garlic, ¼ of a pint of port.

Method.—Extract the juice from the walnuts as described in Recipe No. 2705. Pound the shallots, garlic and cayenne well together, add them to the walnut-juice with the rest of the ingredients, and mix all well together. Pour into small bottles, cork tightly, and store for use.