Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1311

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Ingredients.—16 hard-boiled eggs, 1 quart of good vinegar, ½ an oz. of black peppercorns, ½ an oz. of allspice, ½ an oz. of ginger.

Method.—Remove the shells, and arrange the eggs compactly in wide-necked jars. Boil the peppercorns, spice, and ginger in the vinegar until some of their flavour is extracted, and pour it whilst boiling hot over the eggs. When cold, cover closely, and store in a cool, dry place.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 2s.

Ginger (Fr. gingembre).—The ginger-plant, known to naturalists as zingiber officinale, is a native of the East and West Indies. It grows somewhat like the lily of the valley, but its height is about 3 feet. In Jamaica it flowers about August or September, fading about the end of the year. The fleshy creeping roots, which form the ginger of commerce, are in a proper state to be dug when the stalks are entirely withered. This operation is usually performed in January and February. When the roots are taken out of the earth, each one is picked, scraped, separately washed, and afterwards very carefully dried. Ginger is generally considered as less pungent and heating to the system than might be expected from its effects on the organs of taste, and it is frequently used, with considerable effect, as an anti-spasmodic and carminative.

2630.—EXCELLENT PICKLE (For Immediate Use).

Ingredients.—Equal quantities of sliced onion, cucumber and sour apple, salt and cayenne to taste. To ½ a pint of vinegar add 1 wine-glassful each of sherry and soy.

Method.—Place the onion, cucumber and apple in a dish in alternate layers, add salt and cayenne to taste, and pour over the vinegar, etc. Let the pickle stand for a few hours before serving.


Ingredients.—Young French beans, spiced vinegar (see Vinegar, Spiced, No. 2704), some vine leaves, and salt.

Method.Cover the beans with strong salt and water, let them remain for three days, then drain. Place them in a saucepan with vine leaves under and over, cover with boiling salted water, cook gently for a few minutes, then drain and pack loosely in jars. Cover with boiling spiced vinegar, drain it off, and reboil on two following days. The pickled beans should be kept closely covered in a cool, dry place.


Ingredients.—Gherkins, vinegar to cover. To each quart of vinegar allow ¼ of an oz. of allspice, ¼ of an oz. of black peppercorns, 4 cloves, 2 blades of mace.

Method.—Cover the gherkins with salt and water, and let them remain in the brine for 3 days. At the end of the time drain them well, dry them with a cloth, and pack them compactly in a jar of suitable size. Boil sufficient vinegar to cover them, with peppercorns and spices in the above proportions, for 10 minutes, and pour the liquid over the