Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1280

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Ingredients.—Damsons, sugar.

Method.—Remove the stalks but not the stones, place the fruit in wide-necked glass bottles, and tie a piece of bladder securely over the top of each one. Cover the bottom of a large boiling pot with a thin layer of straw, stand the bottles side by side on the top of it, and surround them with cold water. Bring slowly to boiling point, then remove the boiling-pot from the fire, but let the bottles remain in it until the contents are perfectly cold. Before storing them remove the bladder, fill the mouths of the bottles with sugar, and cork with tight-fitting corks. Cover with melted wax, and store in a cool, dry place.

Time.—Altogether, about 12 hours. Average Cost, 4d. per lb.


Ingredients.—Damsons, preserving sugar.

Method.—Remove the stalks and put the fruit into a large jar or stew-pot. Cover closely, cook in a very slow oven until perfectly soft, then rub through a fine sieve. Measure the pulp, and put it into a preserving-pan with the addition of 12 or 16 ozs. of sugar to each pint of pulp, according to individual taste. Boil until the greater part of the syrup has evaporated and the pulp has become rather stiff, stirring frequently at first and almost continuously towards the end of the process. Turn into small jars, cover closely, and store in a cool, dry place. If liked, the stones may be cracked and the kernels added to the purée with the sugar.

Time.—From 6 to 7 hours. Average Cost, 8d. per lb.

2528.—DAMSON CHEESE. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—Damsons, preserving sugar.

Method.—After removing the stalks, put the fruit into a large jar placed in a boiling-pot of cold water, and cook until perfectly soft. Now take away the stones, pour off some of the juice, which should afterwards be converted into damson jelly, and add from 6 to 8 ozs. of sugar to each lb. of fruit. Continue the slow cooking for 2 hours longer, then turn the whole into a preserving-pan, and boil rapidly for about ½ an hour, meanwhile stirring continuously. Turn into small pots, cover closely, and store in a cool, dry place.

Time.—From 6 to 7 hours. Average Cost, 7d. to 8d. per lb.


Ingredients.— To each lb. of fruit allow from ¾ lb. to 1 lb. of preserving sugar, according to taste.