Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1172

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required. Raisin or other sweet wine may replace the sherry and brandy, or an equal quantity of raspberry or strawberry syrup.

Time.—About 15 minutes, altogether. Average Cost, 1s. 8d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.


Ingredients.—4 ozs. of Carolina rice, 1 quart of milk, 3 ozs. of castor sugar, the thinly-cut rind of ½ a lemon.

Method.—Simmer the rice, sugar, lemon-rind and milk together until the rice is perfectly tender and the milk almost absorbed. Remove the lemon-rind, pour the preparation into a wet mould, and, when firm, turn out and serve with jam, stewed fruit or custard sauce.

Time.—About 1½ hours. Average Cost, 6d. Sufficient for 1 large mould.


2174.—ALMOND CREAM ICE. (Fr.Glace à la Crème d'Amandes.)

Ingredients.—3 ozs. of sweet almonds, 3 bitter almonds, ½ a pint of custard No. 1 or 2, ¼ of a pint of whipped-cream, ¼ pint of milk, a few drops of almond essence, 1 teaspoonful of orange-flower water.

Method.—Blanch, chop, and pound the almonds smoothly, adding the orange-flower water to prevent them oiling. Warm the milk, pour it over the almonds, let it remain covered while the custard is made and gets cold, then mix the whole together. Partially freeze, then add the cream, almond-essence, a little sugar if necessary, and complete the freezing.

Time.—From 3 to 4 hours. Average Cost, 1s. 3d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.

2175.—APRICOT ICED EGGS. (Fr.Œufs aux abricots glacés.)

Ingredients.—12 apricots (preserved ones will serve), 6 ozs. of castor sugar, 1 pint of cream, the juice of 1 lemon, 2 or 3 drops of carmine.

Method.—Pass the fruit through a hair sieve, stir in the sugar and lemon-juice, and add the cream stiffly whipped. Mix in a little carmine, freeze, press lightly into egg moulds, and pack in ice until required.

Time.—To make and freeze, about 2 hours. Average Cost, 2s. 9d. to 3s. 3d. Allow 1 to each person.