Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1099

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Method.—Stone the fruit, place it in a jar with the sugar, and stew gently until tender (see Stewed Fruit). Strain off the juice, stir in the cakecrumbs, lemon-rind and cinnamon, add juice gradually until the right consistency is obtained, then spread on a dish to cool. Form into cork-shaped pieces, coat carefully with egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot fat until nicely browned (breadcrumbs may be used instead of cakecrumbs). Serve garnished with strips of angelica.

Time.—About 3 hours. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. to 1s. 8d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.


Ingredients.—4 heaped tablespoonfuls of cornflour or cornmeal, 2 eggs well beaten, ½ a pint of milk, ½ a saltspoonful of salt, frying-fat.

Method.—Mix the ingredients smoothly together, drop the batter, a tablespoonful at a time, into hot fat, and fry until crisp and lightly browned. Drain well, and serve with jelly, jam, or compote of fruit.

Time.—½ an hour. Average Cost, 5d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons.

1960.—CURRANT FRITTERS. (Fr.Beignets de Groseilles Rouges.)

Ingredients.—3 tablespoonfuls of currants, 3 tablespoonfuls of boiled rice, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, sugar to taste, nutmeg, 3 eggs, ½ a pint of milk, frying-fat.

Method.—Mix the yolks of eggs with the flour, and add milk gradually until a smooth batter is obtained. Whisk the whites stiffly, stir them lightly in, add the currants, rice, a good pinch of nutmeg, and sweeten to taste. Drop the mixture, in small quantities, into hot fat, fry until crisp and lightly browned, and drain well. Serve piled high on a hot dish, and dredge well with castor sugar.

Time.—From 10 to 15 minutes, to fry the fritters. Average Cost, 8d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.


Ingredients.—1 tablespoonful of cornflour, 1 tablespoonful of fine flour, 2 tablespoonfuls of castor sugar, 2 yolks of eggs, ½ a pint of milk, 1 saltspoonful of salt, vanilla essence, egg and breadcrumbs, frying-fat.

Method.—Mix the flour and cornflour smoothly with a little milk, boil up the remainder, and pour it over the flour, stirring meanwhile. Replace in the stewpan, simmer gently for 4 minutes, add the sugar and salt, and stir in the yolks of eggs. Cook gently for a few minutes, add a few drops of vanilla essence, and spread the mixture on a dish to the depth of ½ an inch. When cold, cut into small rounds, coat them