Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1018

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vanilla sugar, spread it lightly on the pastry, and sprinkle on the prepared almonds. Divide into strips about 1½ inches wide, replace in the oven, and bake for 10 minutes longer.

Time.—½ hour, after the pastry is made. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. to 1s. 9d. Sufficient for 10 persons.

1708.—FRUIT OR JAM TURNOVERS. (Fr.Patisserie de Fruit.)

Ingredients.—Short crust or puff paste (No. 1667, or 1665), stewed fruit or jam, castor sugar.

Method.—Roll the paste out thinly, and cut it into rounds about 4 inches in diameter. Place a little fruit or jam in the centre of each round, moisten the edges with water, and fold the paste over on 3 sides in the form of a triangle. Seal the join carefully, turn them over, brush lightly with cold water, and dredge well with castor sugar. Bake in a moderate oven.

Time.—To bake, about 15 minutes. Average Cost, ½d. each.

1709.—GOOSEBERRY TART. (Fr.Tourte de Grosseilles.)

Ingredients.—1½ pints of gooseberries, ¼ of a lb. of short crust, (No. 1667, or 1668), ¼ of a lb. of moist sugar.

Method.—With a pair of scissors cut off the tops and tails of the gooseberries; put them into a deep pie-dish, pile the fruit high in the centre, and put in the sugar; line the edge of the dish with short crust, put on the cover, and ornament the edges of the tart; bake in a good oven for about ¾ of an hour, and before serving dredge with castor sugar.

Time.—To bake, about ¾ hour. Average Cost, 10d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.

Gooseberries.—The red and white are the two principal varieties of gooseberries. The red are rather the more acid; but, when covered with white sugar, are more wholesome, from the circumstance that sugar neutralizes their acidity. Red gooseberries make an excellent jelly, which is light and refreshing, but not very nourishing. All sorts of gooseberries are agreeable when stewed, and in this country especially there is no fruit so universally in favour. In Scotland there is scarcely a cottage garden without its gooseberry bushes. Several of the species are cultivated with the greatest care.

1710.—GRANVILLE TARTLETS. (Fr.Tartelettes à la Granville.)

Ingredients.—Paste (No. 1667, or 1668), 3 ozs. of castor sugar, 2 ozs. of butter, 2 ozs. of currants, cleaned and picked, 1 oz. of ground rice, 1 oz. of finely-shredded candied peel, 3 ozs. of cake crumbs, 1 oz. of desiccated cocoanut, 2 whites of eggs, 1 tablespoonful of cream, lemon essence, transparent icing (No. 1737).

Method.—Cream the butter and sugar together until thick and smooth, add the currants, ground rice, peel, cake crumbs, cream, 4 or 5 drops of lemon essence, and lastly, the stiffly-whipped whites of eggs. Line 18 small oval tartlet moulds with paste, fill them with the preparation,