Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1015

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1700.—FLAN OF APPLES. (Fr.Flan de Pommes.)

Ingredients.—3 or 4 apples, 1 tablespoonful of moist sugar, 2 tablespoonsfuls of sherry, 4 cloves, 2 whites of eggs, castor sugar, ½ a lb. of short crust (No. 1667, or 1668).

Method.—Peel, core, and cut each apple into 8 sections, place them in a stewpan, add the cloves and sherry, cover closely, stand the stewpan in a tin containing boiling water, and cook until tender, but not sufficiently so as to break easily. Meanwhile line a 6-inch diameter flan or paste-ring with paste rolled out to about ¼-inch in thickness, fill it with rice, placed on an interlining of buttered paper, and bake in a quick oven. When done, remove the rice and paper, fill with the apples, arranged in a pyramid, strain the juice (if any) over them, and sprinkle well with sugar. Whip the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, spread it lightly over the apples, dredge well with castor sugar, and bake in a cool oven until lightly browned. Serve either hot or cold.

There are two ways of making a flan without the aid of a ring. The first is by means of a round cake-tin. The tin is placed in the centre of the rolled-out paste, which is cut round, leaving a margin of about 1 inch, to be afterwards raised and moulded to the shape of the tin. Before removing the tin a narrow-folded band of greased paper must be pinned lightly round this raised border. In the second method, the bottom is cut out to the required size, and a narrow strip of paste fastened to the edge of it by means of white of egg. A band of paper must support the border; and in both cases the inside should be filled with rice before baking.

Time.—About 1¼ hours. Average Cost, from 1s. to 1s. 2d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons.

1701.—FLAN OF PINEAPPLE. (Fr.Flan d'Ananas.)

Ingredients.—½ a preserved pineapple, castor sugar, 2 eggs, ½ a lb. of short crust (No. 1667, or 1668).

Method.—Prepare and bake the flan as for Flan de Pommes. Cut the pineapple into dice and remove all the specks. Strain the syrup, place a ¼-pint of it in a stewpan with a dessertspoonful of sugar, bring to boiling point, and simmer for 3 or 4 minutes. Let it cool slightly, then add the yolks of the eggs, and cook gently by the side of the fire until they thicken, stirring meanwhile. Now place the pineapple in the prepared flan, cover with the custard, and spread the stiffly-whipped whites of eggs on the top. Bake in a moderately cool oven until the meringue hardens and brown slightly. Serve either hot or cold.

Time.—About 1 hour Average Cost, about 1s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.