Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/975

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his father, he wrote " History of British Conquests in India," 1852 ;

  • ' History and State of the Indiiui

Archipelago/' 1853; and a "Life of Christopher Columbus." He has been connected with the Lon- don press for many years, both as a leader writer and a special correspondent in many parts of Europe. Mr. St. John married the daughter of Mr. Thomas Bos- coe, and grand-daughter of William Bosooe, of Liverpool, the well- known historian. Mrs. Horace St. John published a "Life of Audu- bon," a " Life of Masaniello," and an essay entitled " Englishwomen and the Age."

ST. JOHN, Pebct Boli no- broke, born at Plymouth, March 4, 1821, is the elde^ son of the late Mr. James Augustus St. John, whom he accompanied in his conti- nental wanderings, and chose at an early age the profession of litera- ture. After writing one book and various magazine articles, he started for America, and after some travels by sea and land he entered upon his career as a writer, chiefly of Indian tales, for Chamher8*8 Journal, and as a lecturer on Texas and Mexico. In 1847 he became corre- spondent in Paris of the North British Daily Mail, which position he held until the election of Louis Napoleon as president, when his hostility to the future emperor in- duced him to leave Paris. Before the Crimean war he was active in the cause of the Greeks, and with Mr. Gladstone, Bichard Cobden, and Michel Chevalier, received a vote of thanks from the Greek Houses of Parliament. Since then he has chiefly been a contributor of fiction to various periodicals, but U best known as the author of In- dian tales, and some thirty volumes of novels. He is also a frequent lecturer on his own personal adven- tures, French politics, and litera- ture. Among his works may be mentioned " The Young Naturalist's Book of Birds," "Trapper Bride,"

" Three Days of February," *' Paul Peabody." " Miranda," " Arctic Crusoe," " Quadroona," " The Young Buccaneer," " The Snow Ship; or, the Canadian Boy Emi- grants," "The North Pole, and how to reach it," " The Bed Queen," " The Slave Mother," and 'i Lobster Salad." He is now editor of Dick's " Standard Library of Fiction."

ST. JOHN, Sib SPKNCEa, K.C.M.G., third son of the late Mr. James Augustus St. John, born in London, Dec. 22, 1826, after receiv- ing a careful education, began to turn his attention towards the East, and having applied himself dili- gently to the study of the Malay limguage, was, in 1848, appointed secretary to Sir James Brooke. He resided in Borneo several years as H.M. Consul-General, and received in 1861 the ^pointment of Charge d' Affaires to tiie republic of BEayti. On returning to this country in 1862, he published an account of his Eastern residence and travels, en- titled " Life in the Forests of the Far East." Early in 1863 he left England for a consular appointanent in the West Indies, and some years later was promoted to the post of Minister Besident and Consul-Ge- neral in Hayti. About the same time he was accredited also as Charge d'Affaires to the Dominican Be-

Sublic. In 1874 he was appointed [inister Besident and Consul-Ge- neral at Lima, and in 1875 he pro- ceeded on a special mission to Bo- livia. In March, 1881, he was ap- pointed Minister Besident to the Bepublic of Peru, on which occasion he was created a K.C.M.G. Sir Spencer St. John, who is a Fellow of the Boyal Geog^phical and Asiatic Societies, published, in 1879, "The Life of Sir James Brooke, Bajah of Sarawak."

ST. JOHN'S, KAFFBABIA, Bishop op. (See Callaway, Dr.)

SAINT-VALLIEB, Chablbs Baymond de la Csojx de Chev- Bi^BES, CoMTE DE, a French Sena- tor and diplomatist^ descended from