Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/920

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India^ entitled "Imperial India," g^iving an account of his yisits to the Courts of the various Princes of that Empire who figured in the picture of the Assemblage of Delhi, now hanging in Buckmgham Pa- lace. This picture was presented to the Queen by the Indian nation. It was exhibited in the Royal Aca- demy Exhibition in 1880. Mr. Prinsep was elected an A.R.A. Jan. 22, 1879.

PRIOR, Richard Chan dler Albxander, M.D., F.L.S., born at Corsham, Wilts, in 1809, and educa- ted at Charterhouse and at Wadham College, Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don and of several learned societies. Dr. Prior is the translator of " An- cient Danish Ballads," and the author of ** Popular Names of Bri- tish Plants."

PRITCHARD, The Rev. Cbarlbs, D.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., bom about 1808, graduated B.A., in 1830 as fourth Wrangler at St. John's College, Cambridge, of which society ho was elected a Fellow. He is well known in the scientific world, and has written various treatises, some of which are pub- lished in the Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society. Amongst these may be mentioned, "A Treatise ^u Statical Couples," "On the Figure of the Earth," •* On the Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn," and a " Paper on an Improved Method of using Mercury for Astronomical Purposes." He wrote the article, " The Star of the Magi," in the Biblical Dictionary, and several sc nons; more parti- cularly one pieached before the British Associelion at Nottingham in 1866. He was elected President of the Royal istronomical Society in Jan., 1866 ; Hulsean Lecturer at Cambridge in Feb., 1867} and Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, Feb. 10, 1870. At his urgency the University of Oxford have recently erected an Observa- tory, provided with lecture-rooms

and all necessary appliances for the instruction of the students, and for original researches.

PROCTOR, Richard Anthont, B.A., was born at Chelsea, March 23, 1837, and in boyhood was edu- cated chiefly at home, having had bad health for several years ; sub- sequently he piu^sued his studies at King's College, London, and St. John's College, Cambridge. He graduated as 23rd Wrangler in 1860. He was appointed an honorary Fel- low of King's College, London, in 1873, and Fellow of the Royal As- tronomical Society^ in 1866. He was appointed Honorary Secretary of that society, and editor of its Proceedings, in Feb., 1872, but re- signed these offices in Nov., 1873. He has at no time been a candidate for any appointment or salaried office of any kind, and he has not proceeded to his M.A. degree, for the reason that it is not, like the B.A. degree (at least at Cambridge), a title representing work done, but money paid. H wing analysed re- sults collected by the Herschcls, Struve, and others, and carried out a series of original researches, in- cluding the construction of a chart of 324,000 stars, Mr. Proctor was led to a new theory of the structure of the Stellar Universe; investi- gated the conditions of the Transits of Venus in 1874 and 1882, and pub- lished many illustrative charts. He maintained, on theoretical grounds, in 1869, the since estab- lished theory of the solar corona, and also that of the inner complex solar atmosphere afterwards dis- covered by Young of America. Mr. Proctor lectured on astronomy in America in 1873-74. He again visited the United States in 1875, and after an absence of seven months, during which period he delivered 142 lectures, he returned to England in May, 1876. In Nov., 1875, Mr. Proctor announced, in a letter to the New York Tribwne, that he had severed his connection with the Roman Catholic Church,