Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/876

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connection with the Order of the Jesuits, an Order well known in the annals of philanthropic daring ; he has also gratefully to acknowledge that the necessary funds were fur- nished by the liberality of the pre- sent Emperor of the French." The reserve necessarily maintained by the author respecting the pre- cise object of his wanderings tended to i^crea8e the interest of the public in this remarkable publi- cation. Having at last returned to England; Mr.. Palgrave was, after some further stay in France and Germany, sent out by the English Government on special service for the release of Consul Cameron and the other prisoners in Abyssinia, in July, 1865, and remained in Egypt, by order, till June, 1866, when he returned to England. He was ap- pointed Consul at Soukhoum-Eald July 23, 1866, at Trebizond May 20, 1867, at the Island of St. Thomas, Feb. 19, 1873, and at Manila (Phi- lippine Islands), April 3, 1876 ; and Consul-General in the Principality of Bulgaria, Sept. 23, 1878. In Jan. 1880 he was appointed Consul- General in Siam, to reside at Bang- kok. His more recent works are : — "Essays on Eastern Questions," 1872 ; *' Hermann Agha : an East- em Narrative," a novel in 2 vols., 1872, and " Dutch Guiana," an ac- count of a fortnight^s stay there, 1876. Mr. Palgrave is a Fellow of the Koyal Geographical and the Royal Asiatic l^ieties, and an honorary member of several for- eign scientific institutions.

PALLES, The Right Hon.Chris- TOPHBR, LL.D., a member of an old Roman Catholic family, which has been settled in Ireland since the fifteenth century, is the second son of Mr. Andrew Christopher Palles,of Mount Palles, co. Cavan,by Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr. Matthew James Plunkett, of St. Margaret's, CO. Dublin, and was born in 1831. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he took his Bache- . or's degree in 1862, and was called

to the Irish bar in the following year. He attained a very high position at the Irish Chancery bar, at an age almost entirely unprece- dented. Almost without an interval after his call he sprang into emi- nence as a Chancery advocate. As a junior he enjoyed a very extensive common law practice, but on ob- taining a silk gown (which fell to his lot in 1865), he devoted himself almost entirely to practice in the Equity courts, going into the com- mon law courts only on special occasions. Perhaps the most bril- liant specimen of his advocacy was his argument in the cause cdibre of " Croker v. Croker," before the Court of Chancery Appeal. He took the degree of LL.D. at Dublin in 1865. Dr. PiJles was appointed Solicitor-General for Ireland under Mr. Gladstone's administration on the promotion of Mr. Dowse to the Attorney-Generalship for Ireland. On Mr. Dowse being elevated to the judicial bench in Nov., 1872, Dr. Falles succeeded to the latter ofGlce, which he held until the de- feat of the Liberal party at the general election of 1874. Just before Mr. Gladstone's resignation. Dr. Palles was appointed Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ire- land, Feb. 16, 1874.

PALLISER, John, eldest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Wray Palliser, of Comragh, Waterford, born in 1817, has taken an active interest in the progress of geographical science and exploration. He ex- plored a large portion of the " Far West" region of America to the shores of the Pacific, and under a commission from the Government, in 1857-60, topographically deter- mined the British North American international boundary-line from Lake Superior in Canada, across the main chain of the Rocky Moun- tains, and thence to the sea-coast or Cascade Range. Parliamentary papers reporting the progress of the explorations were published in 1859, and the detailed journal of