Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/788

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In 1848 he was chosen one of the Conservative members of the Con- stituent Assembly, and retained his seat in the Chamber till the coup d*^tat of 1851, devoting himself par- ticularly to financial questions. He was appointed by Prince Louis Napoleon a member of the Consul- tative Commission, but on the con- fiscation of the property of the Orleans Princes, he resigned that post, and during the Empire con- fined himself to the exercise of his profession. On his election to the Assembly in 1871 he retired from the bar. Though a Conservative, he abstained from taking part in the consultations of any particular party. He voted a^nst M. Thiers in May, 1873, bemg one of the fourteen Deputies who then an- nounced their acceptance of the Kepublic as the definite form of Government, but who urged on the President a more distinct Conser- vative policy. He was elected Reporter to the Budget Committee in 1872, and again in the session of 1874. In June, 1874, he succeeded M. Magne in the Ministry of Fi- nance, and he retained his portfolio till May, 1875.

MATHILDE (Princess),


Bonaparte, daughter of the ex- King Jerome and Princess Cathe- rine of Wiirtemberg, and cousin to Napoleon III., was born at Trieste, May 27, 1820, and married at Flo- rence, Oct. 10, 1841, to the Russian Prince Anatole Demidoff. This union was not happy, and in 1845 they separated by mutual consent, her husband being compelled by the Czar to allow the Princess an annuity of 200,000 roubles. From 1849 till the marriage of Napoleon IIL she did the honours at the palace of the President, and on the re-establishment of the Empire was comprised amongst the members of the imperial family of France, and received the title of Highness. The Princess, who was a pupil of M. Giraud, is an accomplished artist.

and has exhibited some of her pic- tures upon several occasions at the Salon de Peinture. She obtained honourable mention in 1861.

MAUDSLEY, Henby, M.D., was bom near Giggleswick, Settle, York- shire, Feb. 5, 1835, and educated at Giggleswick School and University CoUege, London. He studied medi- cine at University College, and graduated M.D. at the University of London in 1857. Dr. Maudsley was Physician to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Hospital 1859-62; was made Fellow of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians in 1869 ; and was appointed Gulstonian Lecturer to the College in 1870. He is a Fellow of University College, London, was lately Professor of Medical Juris- prudence in University College, and is Consulting Physician to the West London Hospital ; and an honorary member of various learned socie- ties in Paris, Vienna, Italy, and America. He has been President of the Medico-Psychological Asso- ciation of Great Britain and Ire- land, and was editor of the Journal of Mental Science. Dr. Maudsley is the author of " The Physiology of Mind," "The Pathology of Mind," "Body and Mind," and "Responsi- bility in Mental Disease.



MAX-MtJLLER, Fbbdebick, son of Wilhelm Mtlller, the German poet, was born at Dessau, Dec. 6, 1823, studied at the University of Leipzig, and took his degree in

1843. He afterwards studied Sanskrit and comparative philo- logy, under Professor Brocldiaus, at Leipzig, where he published, in

1844, his first work, a translation of " The Hitopadesa,*' a collection of Sanskrit fables ; proceeded to Ber- lin to attend the lectures of Bopp and Schelling, and to examine the collection of Sanskrit MSS. there. In 1845 he went to Paris to continue his studios under Eugene Bumouf, at whose suggestion he began to collect matermls for an edition of

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