Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/727

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on the staff in 1858. He resigned his commission to take part with, the South in the civil war, June 1^ 1861; was appointed to the com- mand of the 4th brigade of Gen. Beauregard's first corps, near Cen- treville, and was present at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. During the early part of 1862 he was made Major-General, and won reputation under Gen. Lee, in the campaigns against McClellan, Foipe, Bumside, and Meade. After the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, liongstreet was promoted to the command of a corps, with the rank of Lieutenant-General. He took an active part in the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3. He was also conspicuous for nis military ability in the campaign of the Wilderness, May 1-6, 1864, and was severely wounded on the 6th of May, but recovered in time to take command of his corps during the siege of Petersburg. He surrendered with Gen. Lee in April, 1865. After the war. Gen. Longstreet acted zealously for the restoration of har- mony between the two sections. He made New Orleans his residence, and, having been amnestied by President Johnson, he was so cor- dial towards the Administration that President Grant appointed him Surveyor of the Port of New Orleans. In 1875 he "^took up his residence in Georgia, and in 1880 was sent as Minister to Turkey, where he remained until 1881. He is now U.S. Marshal for the North- em District of Georgia.

LOOMIS, Elias, LL.D., born at Tolland county, Connecticut, in Aug., 1811. He graduated at Yale CoUege in 1830, and was tutor there from 1833 to 1836. He then studied for a year in Paris, and on his return was appointed Professor of Natural Science in %\ie Western Reserve CoUege in Ohio, 1837. In 1844 he was chosen Professor of Natural Philosophy in Columbia College, and in 1853 in the New York Univei-sity, retaining the

position until 1860, although a por- tion of his time from 1845 to 1849 was employed, under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, in determining the differ- ence of longitude between Neir York and other cities by means of the electric telegraph. In the course of these experiments, the velocity of the electric current through telegraphic wires was for the first time determined. In 1860 he was appointed Professor of Na- tural Philosophy in Yale College, a position which he still holds. Be- sides numerous contributions to scientific journals, he has published " Plane and Spherical Trigono- metry," 1846 J "Progress of Astro- nomy,'* 1850 and 1856; "Analytical (Geometry and Calculus/' 1861 ; " Elemente of Algebra," 1851 ; " Ele- ments of Geometry and Conic Sec- tions," 1851, enlarged edit., 1871 ; "Tables of Logarithms," 1855; "Natural Philosophy," 1858 ; " Prac- tical Astronomy," 1855, enlarged edit., 1865; "Elements of Arith- metic," 1863 ; " Treatise on Meteor- ology," 1868 ; " Elements of Astro- nomy," 1869; and "The Descend- ants of Joseph Loomis," his an- cestor, 1870.

LOPES, Thb Hon. Sm Henbt Chablbs, Judge of the High Court of Justice, third son of the late Sir Balph Lopes, the second baronet, of Maristow, Devon, by Susan Qibb, eldest daughter of the late A. Ludlow, Esq., of Heywood House, Wiltshire, was born at Devonport, Oct. 3, 1828, and received his edu- cation at Winchester School, and at BaUiol College, Oxford. (B.A., 1850). He was called to the bar of the Inner Temple, June 7> 1852, and for some time he practised as an equity draftsman and a conveyancer. In 1857 he joined the Western cir- cuit, of which he became, in oootk of time, the leading " staS gown. Mr. Lopes was m^e Beoorder of Exeter in 1867, obtained his silk gown in 1869, and was elected a bencher of his Inn shortly after-