Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/561

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his Liberal 6pponent Mr. McMick- ing. He was made a rear-admiral, and he was placed on the retired list of that rank in April, 1870. Sir John, who was a Lord of the Admi- ralty from June, 1866, to Dec, 1868, has received three war medals and the Medjidie 4th class. Sir John is the author of "The Flag List and its Prospects ; " " Our Naval De- fences j" "The Reward of Loyalty," being suggestions in reference to our American colonies, 1862; a '* Memorandum on his compulsory retirement from the British Navy," 1870; "Remarks on the Loss of the Captotn," 1871 ; "Ashanti and the Gold Coast, and what we know of it ; a Sketch," 1874. Sir John married, in 1847, the Hon. Eliza Napier, third daughter of William John, eighth Lord Napier.

HAY, Geoboe, R.S.A., was born at Leith Walk, Edinburgh, and educated at the High Schools of Leith and Edinburgh. He was elected an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1869 ; an Academician in 1876 ; and was unanimously elected to the Secre- taryship of the Academy, Nov. 9, 1881, in the place of the late William Brodie, F.S.A. At an early age he showed indications of his future career as an artist. He studied modelling in the School of Art, and drawing and painting from the antique in the Board of Trustees' Gallery of Casts. At the age of 17 he was induced to enter the architectural profession; but after several years engagement in this walk of art, he abandoned it for the more congenial one of the painter. Among his pictures are : — "A Barber's Shop in the time of EUaabeth," 1863; "A Street Inci- dent in the Sixteenth Century," 1864; "The Jacobite in Hiding," 1865 ; " Shopping in the Sixteenth Century," 1867 ; " Devotional Art," 1867; "Richie Moniplies in Fleet Street," 1868; "Tea-tattle," 1871 ; " A Visit to the Spaewife," 1872; "Caleb Balderston's Ruse,"

1874, engraved; "The Haunted Room," 1875; "The Warrant," 1875 ; " Peter Peebles and ADen Fairferd," 1875, (engraved) ; "Dugald Dalgetty," 1876, (also engraved); "In Days of Yore," 1877; " A Discovery," 1878 ; "The Spinners," 1879; and "Secret Aid in '45," exhibited in 1881.

HAY, John, journalist, author, and politician, born at Salem, Indiana, Oct. 8 1839. A.B. (Brown University), 1858. He was ad- mitted to the bar in Springfield, Illinois, in 1861, but almost inmie- diately went to Washington as Assistant Secretary to President Lincoln, and subsequently was his Adjutant and Aide-de-Camp. Dur- ing the civil war he served for a time under Generals Hunter and Gillmore, attaining the rank of Colonel and Assistant Adjutant- General. From 1865 to 1867 he was Secretary of Legation at Paris, and from that time to 1868 was Charg^ d' Affaires at Vienna. He was appointed Secretary of Lega- tion at Madrid in 1869, where he remained until 1870, when he re- turned to the United States, and accepted a position upon the edi- torial staff of the New York Tribune. This he resigned in 1876, upon his removal to Cleveland, Ohio, but has continued to occasionally contribute to its columns to the present time. During the absence of the editor, Mr. Wnitelaw Reid, in Europe, from April to November, 1881, Colonel Efay returned to New York to take entire editorial charge of the Tribune. From 1879 to 1881 he was Assistant Secretary of State. While on the Tribune he obtained considerable celebrity by his dia- lect poems of "Jim Bludsoe," " Little Breeches," &c., which were afterwards published in book-form under the title of "Pike County Ballads," 1871. In the same year he also issued " Castilian Days," a series of sketches of Spanish life and character.