Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/507

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rank of captains without increase of paj. It was not acted upon, owing to the opposition of the late duke of Wellington. In Dec., 1875, Mr. Grant abjured Protestantism, and was received into the Roman Catholic Church by the Cardinal Arohbishojp of Westminster.

GRA-NT, Jahxs Augustus, C.B., C.S.I., F.R.S., F.L.S., Retired Lieut.-Col. of the Beng^ army, son of the late Rev. James Grant, minister of Nairn, N.B., born at Nairn in 1827, was educated at the grammar-school, and Marischal College, Aberdeen. He was ap- pointed in 1846 to the Indian army, served under Gten. Whish at both sieges of Mooltan, was present at the battle of Goojerat under Lord Gough, for which he received the medal and two clasps ; was Ad- jutant of the 8th N.I. for five years; and baggage-master te Sir James Outram s force in Aug., 1857; did duty with the 78th Highlanders, under Gen. Havelock, at the relief of Lucknow, where he was wounded while in command of two companies of the 78th High- landers who formed the rear euard of * the army (Mutiny medal and clasp for "Relief of Lucknow"). In 1860-8 he explored the sources of the Nile in company with the lamented Capt. Speke, who pub- lished his Journal of the dis- covery of the source of the Nile " in 1868, for which he was made a C.B. (civil division) in Sept., 1866. He served in the Intelligence Department with the Abyssinian expedition under Lord Napier of Magdala in 1868, and was nomi- nated a Companion of the Order of the Star of India for his services in that capacity (medal for Abyssinia) . He is the author of a " Walk across Africa," "Summary of the Speke and Grant Expedition" in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society for 1872, and of "The Botany of the Speke and Grant Expedition," forming the 29th vol. of the Transactions of the Linnaan

Society, 1872. He is gold medallist of the Royal Geographical Society, and has received medals from Pope Pius IX. and King Victor Em- manuel. He is a Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant of Nairnshire.

GRANT, Sib Patrick, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., son of the late Bfajor John Grant, of Auchterblair, co. Elgin, born at Duthill, in that county, in 1804, entered the militaiy service of the East India Company in 1819. During the Gwalior campaign of 1848-4, Cap- tain 6h:ant served on Sir Hugh Gough's Staff as Deputy Assistant- Adjutant-G«neral, and obtained his brevet majority for Maharajpur. As Adjutant-General in the Sutlej Campaign of 1845-6, he fought under the same chief at Mu&i, Firozshahr and Sobraon, and re- ceived two severe wounds, besides having his horse thrice shot under him. For his services in this war he was made a C.B., and gained another step in brevet rank. In the same capacity he again followed Lord Gough through the Punjaub campaign, sharing in the hard-won fight of Chilianwalla and the crowning victory of Gujar&t. At the end of the campaign he was made an A.D.C. to the Queen with the rank of Colonel. In 1849-50 Colonel Grant again served as Adjutant-General in Sir C. Napier's campaign against the hill-tribes of Eohat. In 1856, as Major-General and E.C.B., he was ap][>ointed Commander-in-Chief of the Madras army, and on the death of General Anson, in the first days of Uie Mutiny in 1857, Sir Patrick went over to Calcutta as acting Comman- der-in-Chief of Bengal, pending the arrival of Anson's successor. Sir CoUn Campbell. After the Mutiny he was rewarded with the Grand Cross of the Bath, and in March, 1867, was preferred to the Governorship of Malta. The latter post he resigned through ill-healtii in April, 1872. In 1874 he was