Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/505

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and to pay a fine of 100 francs in consequence of his duel with M. Lockroy. On July 7, 1873, he fought a duel on the Luxemburg frontier with M. Banc, a Paris journalist; both combatants being wounded, and M. Banc disabled. He was tried in Paris, July 2, 1874, for the publication in Le Pays of articles calculated to disturb the pubKc peace, and to stir up hatred and contempt between citizens. M. Paul de Cassagnac undertook lus own defence and obtained a verdict of "Not Guilty," a result which was regarded by the Bonapartists as a signal triumph. In 1874 he published in his journal a series of violent articles in reference to the capitulation of Sedan, the whole responsibility of which was thrown on to General Wimpffen's shoulders. The General accordingly instituted a prosecution for libel in the Assize Court of the Seine, but M. Paul de Cassagnac was acquitted by the jury (Feb., 1875). On Nov. 24, 1875, he delivered, at a meeting at Belleville, a speech in which he contended that the restoration of the Empire was the essential con- dition of the welfare of the people. The Pays, and other newspapers were prosecuted for printing a report of this discourse, but they were all acquitted. M. Paul de Cassagnac was returned to the National Assembly by the arron- dissement of Condom in the depart- ment of Gers, at the general elections of Feb., 1876 and Oct., 1877. The latter election was annulled by the Chamber, Nov. 11, 1878, but in the following February M. de Granier de Cassagnac was again elected.

GBANT, Sia Axexandeb, Bart., LL.D., eldest son of the late Sir Bobert Innes-Grant, Bart., of Dal- vey. North Britain, born in 1826, and educated at Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford, of which he was elected Scholar, and whence he was elected to a Fellowship at Oriel College, in 1849. In 1855 he was nominated one of the Examiners

for the Indian Civil Service ap- pointments, succeeded his father as eighth baronet, Aug. 1, 1856, and having acted as one of the Public Exanuners in Classics at Oxford, was appointed in 1858 Inspector of Schools in the Madras Presidency. He became Professor of History and Political Economy in Elphin- stone College at Mad&as in I860; Principal of that college in 1862; Vice-ChanceUor of the University of Bombay in 1863 ; Director of Public Instruction in the Bombay Presidency in 1865; a member of the Legi^tive Council of Bombay in 1868 ; in the same year, Vice- Chancellor and Principal of the University of Edinburgh ; and in 1872 a member of the Board of Education for Scotland. Sir Alex- ander Grant edited "The Ethics of Aristotle, with EngUsh Notes/' 1854, third edition revised and partly re-written, 1874; "Xeno- phon," forming vol. viii. of "Ancient Classics for English Readers;" in 1871 ; and "Aristotle," in the same series, in 1877. He has in prepara- tion a comprehensive History of the University of Edinburgh. He is Hon. D.C.L. of Oxford, and LL.D. of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

GRANT, The Very Rev. Geobge MoNBO, D.D., Principal of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, who is of Scottish parentage, was born at Stellarton, Picton county. Nova Scotia, Dec. 22, 1835. He received his literary education at Picton Aca- demy and his theological training at the West River Seminary of the Presbyterian Church in his native province. At the latter, at the age of eighteen, he won a bursary which entitled him to a coUegiate course in the University of Glasgow, the bursary being awarded by the synod of the Old Eork in Nova Scotia. During his theological course at Glasgow he won academic dis- tinction, taking the highest honours in philosophy at his examination for M.A., and the Lord Rector's Prize for the best Essay on Hmdoo



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