Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/495

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siban/' and " Palm Sunday/' in

78; "Water for the Camp;"

Sarah and Isaac/' and Ha^ar id Ishmael/' in 1879 " *' Moving I Fresh Pastures/' "Time of the verflow, Egypt /' " Hannah's ow/' "An Egyptian Pastoral/' id "Holy Childhood/' in 1880} The Eoad to Mecca /' "The Ee- Lm from Mecca /' " Artist and

odel " and " Eebecca/' in 1881 ;

Memphis" and "The Arrival at le Well/' in 1882 j " Crossing the esert /' " Returning from the asture, Ghizeh/' "A Coffee Shop, liro /' " Outside the Fens/' and Water for the Camp/' 1883. GOODFORD, The Rev. HABLES Old, D.D., eldest surviv- Lg son of the late John Goodford, sq., of Chilton Cantelo, Somerset, igh Sheriff of that county (who led in 1835), by Charlotte, sister

the late Sir Montagu Cholmeley,

art., of Easton, Lincolnshire, was >m in 1812, and was educated pon the foundation at Eton, pre- ceding thence as scholar to King's ollege, Cambridge, of which he 3came a fellow (B.A. 1836 ; M.A. )39). He was for many years an ssistant Master at Eton, and 3came Head Master in 1853, on le promotion to the provostship • the late Dr. Hawtrey, whom he icceeded as Provost in Feb., 1862. e has held the rectory of Chilton antelo since 1856. He is the litor of " P. Terentii Afri Comce- iae/' 4to, Lond., 1854. GOODMAN, Walter, was born L London, May 11, 1838. He »ceived his art education first at .r. J. M. Leigh's academy, and 'terwards at the Royal Academy, here he was admitted a student . 1857. In 1860 he started for le Continent, where he remained tree years, visiting France, Bel- um, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, id Spain, and in 1864 he left urope for the West Indies, in impany with SeSor Joaquin iiadras, a Spanish artist. There 3 lived five years, passing most of

the time at Cuba in the pu: painting. He also acted a spondent of the New York and his familiarity with the language enabled him to coi to the Spanish press oo articles, the most notable series of humorous social si under the title of " Un "^ estranjero," which were aft translated by the author f o cation in an English iourm Goodman also adapted the : "Box and Cox" for the stage, and devoted some leisure to scene-painting anc leading parts at a Spanish During his sojourn in Cu Goodman was arrested s prisoned in the Morro Casi suspicion of being connect political matters. The Cub lution led, in 1869, to Mr.Go< abrupt departure from the and after visiting Port Jamaica, Santa Domingo, ai islands, he set sail for the States, where he was profee engaged for nearly a year his return to Europe he has his attention to portrait p the first work of this kind ing at the Royal Academy and he has been represei figure-pictures at most London and provincial exh He is also a contributor of d on wood and literary art several well-known per Shortly after his return to ] Mr. Goodman began a s social sketches of life in Cub appeared from time to tin the Year Bound. These e with several more, were aft republished in the form of i under the title of "The Pea Antilles; or, an Artist in Mr. Goodman enjoys the i reputation of being the fin pean artist to receive a con from a Chinese. At the be of the year 1878, His Ex Liu Hsi-hung, the Chinese " at Berlin, commissioned M