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he Asiatic Society of Bengal. He

f^as created C.S.I. Dec. 22, 1868^ ind advanced toK.C.S.I. in March, 1876, at an investiture of the 3rder held at Allahabad by the Prince of Wales, whom during his bravels in India he accompanied as physician. In acknowledgment of bhis service he received a letter Prom the Queen. He had pre- viously accompanied the Duke of Edinburgh in his visit to India in 1870. He waa appointed Surgeon- General and President of the Medical Board of the India Office in Dec. 1874. He is honorary physi- cian to the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and physician to the Duke of Edinburgh. Sir J. Fayrer has written "Clinical Surgery in India; a work on the poisonous snakes of India, which he presen- ted to the Indian Government, from whom he received thanks, and by whom it was published in 1872 ; " Clinical and Pathological Obser- vations in India ;" Letteomian lec- tures on Dysentery ; Croonian lectures on cUmate and fevers of India; and many contributions to European and Indian journals, in- cluding papers on "Disease in India;" "European Child Life in Bengal;" "Msdarial Splenic Ca- chexia of Tropical Climates;" " Bronchocele in India;" "Liver Abscess ; " " Physiological Action of the Poison of Naja Tripudians " (in conjunction with Dr. Brunton) ; " Some of the Physical Conditions of the country that affect Life in India;" "The Claws of FeUd©;" and " Anatomy of the Battlesnake." He has received the second-class of the Order of the Conception from the King of Portugal, the third- class of the Redeemer of Greece from the King of Greece, and the third-class of the Medjidie from the Viceroy of Egypt. In Aug., 1878, the University of Edinburgh conferred on him the hon. degree of LL.D.

FELIX, Father, preacher, born at NeuviUe-sur-rEscaut, June 28,

1810, entered the Society of Jei in 1837, of which he afterwaj became a professed member, completed his theological stud at Brugelette, Louvain, and Lai and at a distribution of prizes the college of the first-named pla his oratorical powers attrac" notice. In 1851 Father F^ preached in Paris with much s cess, and worthily fulfilled i duties of the office held by Fath Lacordaire and Bavignan. VAmi de la Religion he has coni buted largely, and is the authoi some works. As a preacher. Fat F^lix has obtained high reputati His conferences at Notre Dame, f several of his sermons have b< reprinted.

FEEDINAND IV. (Salvat Mabib - Joseph - Jean - Baptis FRANgois- Louis -GoNz AG! Baphael - Benieb - Janvieb), Grand Duke of Tuscany, eldest of Leopold II., grandson of Fei nand III., and of Marie Antoine Anne, daughter of Francis I., k of the Two Sicilies, the latfe gn duke's second wife, was born Ji 10, 1836, succeeded to the grt duchy on the abdication of father, July 21, 1859, and reig] as Ferdinand IV. ; but hiB cai as a sovereign prince was brief; he was obliged to quit his domini on the consolidation of the ki dom of Italy under Victor 1 manuel in 1861. He married Archduchess Anne Marie, daugl of the king of Saxony, Nov. 1859. In the " Almanach Gotha," the grand duke is descri as being an arch-duke of Ausi Prince-Boyal of Hungary Bohemia, and a Colonel of Austi Dragoons.

FEBGUSON, Sir Samuel, Q LL.D., was born at Belfast in 11 being the third son of the late J Ferguson, Esq., formerly of C Court, and afterwards of Co House, CO. Antrim, by Ag daughter of Mr. John Knox, Belfast. He was educated at