Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/306

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ration and retardation," of " re- petition," of the "doc^ine of the tmspecialized/' and of a theory of the origin of the will.

COPLESTON, The Eight Eev. Bbginald Stephen, D.D., Bishop of Colombo, a son of the Eev. E. E. Copleston, formerly Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, was born at Barnes, Surrey, in 1845. From Merchant Taylors' School he proceeded to Mer- ton CoU^e, Oxford, where he gra- duated B.A. (2nd class in classics) in 1869. He was then elected a FeUow of St. John's College, of which he became senior tutor ; and he proceeded M.A. from that Col- lege in 1871. When Dr. Jermyn resigned the Bishox>ric of Colombo, in Ceylon, Mr. Copleston was selected by the Crown to fill the vacant See, and he was consecrated in West- minster Abbey, Dec. 28, 1875. He has published " -iJschylus," in Blackwood's " Classics for English Eeaders ; " and was a contributor to the "Oxford Spectator."

COPPING, Edwabd, journalist and author, born in London in 1828, formed a connection with the press whilst very young. In 1866 he pub- lished "Alneri and (Joldoni, their Lives and Adventures," a compila- tion from the well-known autobio- graphies of the two Italian drama- tists. During the greater part of 1867 he assisted the late Mr. Bayle St. John in translating inte English and condensing the voluminous memoirs of St. Simon. In 1858 Mr. Copping published his expe- rience of the French capital, in a little, book entitled " Aspects of Paris," a German translation of which appeared shortly afterwards at Berlin under the title of " Pariser Bilder." He acted at Paris as cor- respondent of the Daily Telegraph in 1868-59, and published a novel, '* The Home at Eosefield," in 1861. Mr. Copping has since been engaged npon the editorial staff of the Daily News, besides being a contributor to various periodicals.

COEBOULD, Edward Hbnbt,

the eldest son of Henry Corbould, and grandson of Eichard Corbould, historical painters, was born in Great Coram Street, London, Dec. 5, 1815. Being at an early age ambitious of distinction in art, he painted " The Fall of Phafiton from the Chariot of the Sun," for which he obtained the gold Isis medal of the Society of Arts in 1834, winning the same prize again in 1835, with an original model of "St. Gfeorge and the Dragon." In 1836 he obtained the large gold medal for his model of the Chaiiot-race, from Homer. He exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, and at the Gallery of British Artists, subjecte mostly from Spenser's "Faery Queen," and eventuaUy joined the New Society of Painters in Water- Colours. His first large subject here was " The Assembling of the Canterbury Pilgrims at the Tabard Inn, Soutljwark," followed by "The Woman taken in Adultery," " The EgUnton Tournament ' (from sketehes made upon the spot), " Under the Eose,'^ " Salom6 Danc- ing before Herod," "The Plague of London," "Tlie Baptism of Ethelbert," " William of Eynesham reciting the Victory of Towton Field '^ (in Westminster Hall), " Scene from the Proph^te " (painted for the Queen), " Ploretta de Nerac, the first love of Henry IV. of Prance" (purchased by her Majesty, and presented to the King of Pmssia), "The Entry of the Boy King into London after his Coronation in Paris," and "The Destruction of the Idols at Basle " (both in the collection of the Crown Princess of Germany), and various others which we cannot enumerate. In 1851 Mr. Corbould was appointed Instructor of Historical Painting to the Eoyal Family ; but this appointment, after having lasted for about twenty-one years, died a sort of natural death from the fact of there being no further need of Mr. Corbould^ services. His pic- ture painted from Tennyson, " The