Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/301

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pastor of the Independent congre- gation at Mayer's Green, West Bromwich, Sta^ordshire, of which he retained the charge for nine years. In 1844 he published " An Essay towards a New Translation of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Bomans, and in 1846 he edited for the Wycliffe Society, "Select Works of the Be verend and Learned David Clarkson, B.D., and some time Fellow of Clare Hall, Cam- bridge." In 1852 appeared his " Free Church of Ancient Christen- dom," an ecclesiastical history of the first three centuries, of which a second edition was published the same year. After relinquishing his first and only pastorate, he has devoted himself almost wholly to literature, especially to E^rptology and the chronology of thePharoahs. In 1860 was pubUshed his " Count Cayour ; his Life and Career," and in 1861 appeared his "Hiero- glyphical Date of the Exodus in the Annals of Thothmes the Chreat." The latter, a revised form of whose astronomical and epigraphical ar^- ment is incorporated with the Ap- pendix to the Chevalier Ernst de Bunsen's recent work, ** The Chron- ology of the Bible " (1874), was a reprint from the British Quarterly Review, in which, and in the Eclectic Review, the Monthly Christian Spec- tator, the Transactions of the Devon- shire Association for the Advance- ment of Literature, Science, and Art, numerous papers by Mr. Basil H. Cooper will be found. On Feb. 2, 1878, appeared in the Chaphic news- paper his " Cleopatra's Needle," an illustrated history of the obelisk belonging to Great Britain, and of other monoliths ; and in the Journal of the Society of Arts for the 22nd of the same month was inserted a paper read by him shortly before in the African section on " Egyptian Obelisks, and their relation to Chronology and Art."

COOPEB, Chables Alfred. journalist, was born at Hull, York- shire, in 1829. He was educated

at the Hull Grammar School, and early in life entered the office of the Hull Packet, a weekly news- paper of good standing. There he became a reporter, and took a share in sub-editorial work. After serving an apprenticeship here, he took an engagement on another Hull news- paper, and there remained for several years, engaged at first in reporting, and subsequently in the duties of assistant editor. In 1861 he removed to London, and entered the gallery of the House of Com- mons as reporter for the Morning Star. Of this paper he subsequently became the sub-editor, and held the post until 1868, when he became assistant editor of the Scotsman. He served in this capacity for several years under the late Alexander Bussel, a man of wide political knowledge, and of first-rate editorial ability. In 1880 he became editor of the Scotsman. Before that time he had taken a great interest in the opening of the gallery of the House of Commons to the reporters of pro- vincial newspapers, and shortly before becoming editor of the Scots- man, he had the gratification of seeing this object gained.

COOPEB, Sib Daniel, Babt., K.C.M.G., was born at Bolton, Lancashire, July 1, 1821. When very young he sailed for New South Wades, and was educated there till he was 14, and then returned to England and finished his education by a course of four years at Univer- sity College, London. Mr. Cooper's health at this period of his life was very imcertain, and after starting in business in Europe he sailed again for New South Wales, when he was at once connected with his uncle's firm, at that time one of the most extensive mercantile houses in Australia. At the dissolution of the firm in 1848 the business was carried on by himself and an elder brother. This second partnership was dissolved in 1852, and since then the business has been con- ducted under the name of D.