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the massacre of Colonel Carayon Latour's battalion, and had been condemned to paj JB3000 compensa- tion for his share in the plunder of a convent during the same period. Receiving an unsatisfactory reply from Sir C. Dilke, the Under-Sec- retary for Foreign Aifairs, Mr. O'Donnell propos^ to move the ad- journment of the House. Mr. Glad- stone thereupon rose to move " That Mr. O'Donnell be not heard," but it was ruled that the motion for ad- journment was not out of order, though, in the event, that motion was, after an angry debate, nega- tived by 245 votes against 140. M. Challemel-Lacour continued to be Ambassador in London till Feb. 1882, when he was recalled at his own request. In the Cabinet formed by M. Jules Ferry in Feb. 1883, M. Challemel-Lacour held the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. M. Ch^emel- Lacour was one of the founders, and is chief editor, of the RS- j^uhlique Pram^aise. He has pub- lished " La Philosophie Individua- liste," an essay on Humboldt, in the " Biblioth^que de Philosophie Con- temporaine, 1864 ; a translation of Ritter's "History of Philosophy," with an introduction, 3 vols., 1861 ; and he edited the works of Madame d'^pinay, 2 vols., 1869.

CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, M.P., eldest son of the late Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, a member of one of the City Companies, was born in London in 1836. His mother was Caroline, daughter of Mr. Henry Harben. He was educated at Uni- versity College School, and after- wards became a member of a firm of wood-screw makers at Birmingham (Nettlef old and Chamberlain) , which his father had joined in 1854. He retired from business in 1874 shortly after the decease of his father. Mr. Chamberlain had at this time ob- tained a certain local celebrity in consequence of his advanced Radical opinions and the fluency of speech with which he expressed them in one of the Birmingham debating

societies. In 1868 he was appointed Chairman of the first Executive Committee of the Education League, and in November of the same jear a member of the Birmingham Town Council. In 1873 he be<Sune Chaii^ man of the Birmingham School Bocurd, of which he was first elected a member in 1870. Mr. Chamber- lain is also an Alderman of Birming- ham, and was three times succes- sively elected Mayor of the Bwough (1874-75-76). His name was first brought before the general public in Feb. 1874, when he came forward, at the general election, to oppoee Mr. Roebuck at Sheffield. He was not successful, the numbers polled being 14,193 for Roebuck, 12,858 for Mimdella, and 11,053 for Chamber- lain. In Jtme, 1876, he was re- turned for Birmingham, to fill up the vacancy occasioned by Mr. Dixon's retirement from Parliamentary life. In the House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain chiefly attracted no- tice by his advocacy of the Gothen- burg system of licensing places where intoxicating liquors are sold. He is in favour of disestablishment and of compulsory secular educa- tion. At the general election of April, 1880, he was returned with Mr. Muntz and Mr. Bright, the three Liberals gaining a large ma- jority over the Conservative candi- dates. Major F. Bumaby and the Hon. A. G. C. Calthorpe. On the formation of Mr. Gladstone's Ad- minisiration immediately after that election, Mr. Chamberlain was nomi- nated President of the Board of Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet. Mr. Chamberlain has contributed several articles to the FortnigMly Revieto, viz., "The Liberal Party and its Leaders" (Sept. 1873); " The Next Page in the Liberal Pro- gramme" (Oct. 1874) J and "The Right Method with the Publicans " (»&y,*1876). He is Presid^it of the ^Birmingham School of Design and Chairman of the National Edu- cation League. CHAMBERLAIN, Sir Nsyiu.b