Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/222

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CAIN, Auguste, sculptor, born in Paris, Nov. 4, 1822, worked first with a carpenter, and afterwards entered the studio of M. Rude. M. Cain, who has devoted his attention to groups of animals, first exhibited at Paris in 1846, and is the publisher of his own bronzes. Amongst numerous works he has exhibited "The Dormouse and Tomtit," 1846; "The Frogs desiring a King," 1850; "The Eagle defending his Prey," 1852; "An Eagle chasing a Vulture," 1857; "Lion and Lioness quarrelling about a Wild Boar," 1875; and "A Family of Tigers," 1876. Several of these objects appeared in the Great Exhibition of 1851, when M. Cain obtained the bronze medal. He has received many recognitions of merit; another medal in 1864; and a third at the Universal Exposition of 1867. M. Cain was nominated a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1869.

CAIRD, Sir James, K.C.B., F.R.S., born at Stranraer, in 1816, was educated at Edinburgh. During the Protection controversy in 1849, Mr. Caird published a treatise on "High Farming as the best Substitute for Protection," which went rapidly through eight editions, and attracted much public attention. In the autumn of the same year, at the request of the late Sir Robert Peel, he visited the west and south of Ireland, then prostrate from the effects of the famine, and at the desire of the lord-lieutenant, Lord Clarendon, reported to the Government on the measures which he deemed requisite for encouraging the revival of agricultural enterprise in that country. This report was enlarged into a volume, published in 1850, descriptive of the agricultural resources of the country, and led to considerable landed investments being made there. During 1850 and 1851 Mr. Caird, as the commissioner of the Times, conducted an inquiry into the state of English agriculture, in which he visited every county in England; and his letters, after appearing in the columns of the Times, were published in a volume, which has been translated into the French, German, and Swedish languages, besides being republished in the United States. In 1858 Mr. Caird published an account of a visit to the prairies of the Mississippi. A translation of this work appeared on the continent. During the autumns of 1853, 1854, and 1855 Mr. Caird published in the Times a series of letters on the corn crops, which were considered to have had a material effect in allaying a food-panic. Invited at the general election of 1852 to offer himself to represent his native district in Parliament, he was defeated by a majority of one. At the general election of 1857 he was elected member for the borough of Dartmouth, as a supporter of Lord Palmerston, and an advocate of Liberal measures. In 1859 he was elected for Stirling without opposition, and vacated his seat in July, 1865, on accepting the office of one of the Inclosure Commissioners. In 1860 he was appointed a member of the Fishery Board, and in 1863 became Chairman of the Royal Commission on the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom; Professor Huxley and Mr. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., being his colleagues. That commission, after visiting the principal fishing ports of the kingdom, completed its labours in 1866; and the President of the Board of Trade, in the course of a discussion on the subject, thus expressed the opinion of the Government on the results of that inquiry: — "I may be permitted to say that I think a more able report than that which these commissioners have laid before Parliament was never made. It is evident that this inquiry has been most searching and complete, and conducted in a most diligent and judicious manner. I think the