Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1128

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the City of London, born in 1803, was educated at Merchant Taylors' School, and at St. John's College, Oxford, of which he became a Fellow and Tutor. He graduated B.A. in high classical honours in 1855, and was one of the four resident Tutors, who, in 1841, issued a joint protest and remonstrance to the editor of "Tracts for the Times," on account of their tendency to admit Roman doctrine in the interpretation of the Thirty-nine Articles. The Rev. H. B. Wilson was appointed successively by the University a Select Preacher, Public Examiner, Professor of Anglo-Saxon, and Bampton Lecturer in 1851. He was preferred by his college, in 1850, to the Vicarage of Great Staughton, Hants, where he has since resided. He has written several sermons and pamphlets on Church and University questions, an essay on "Schemes of Christian Comprehension," in the "Oxford Essays," published in 1857, and the "National Church," in "Essays and Reviews." In 1862 he was sentenced by the Judge of the Court of Arches to be suspended for one year from his benefice, on account of certain alleged errors contained in his contribution to the last-named publication. This sentence was reversed on appeal to the Privy Council. Mr. Wilson published the argument delivered by him as "A Speech before the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council in Wilson v. Fendall," 1863.

WILSON, The Right Rev. William Scott, D.D., was consecrated Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway in 1869.

WILTON, Miss Marie Effie. (See Bancroft, Mrs.)

WINDHORST, Ludwig, the Parliamentary leader of the Catholic party in Prussia, was born Jan. 17, 1812. He attended the "Carolinum" in Osnabriick, and continued his studies at Göttingen and Heidelberg. He became an advocate, and then syndic and presiding member of the Consistory at Osnabrück; afterwards, "Ober-Appellationsrath" in Kalbe; from 1863 to 1865 he was Minister of Justice at Hanover J and finally, he was nominated Chief Syndic of the Crown in Kalbe. From 1849 to 1866, he was a member of the Assembly of the Estates of the Realm, and in 1851 President of the Second Chamber of the same. He became a member of the Constituent and the regular Reichstag; and since 1867 he has been a member of the Prussian House of Deputies.

WINMARLEIGH (Lord), The Right Hon. John Wilson-Patten, is the eldest son of the late Thomas Wilson-Patten, Esq., of Bank Hall, M.P., who assumed the additional surname of Wilson on succeeding to the estates of Dr. Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man. He was born in 1802, and received his education at Eton, together with the late Earls of Derby and Carlisle, Lord Halifax, the Right Hon. Spencer Walpole, and others who have taken a prominent part in public affairs. From Eton he proceeded to Magdalen College, Oxford, and on leaving the University he spent three years on the Continent, visiting most of the countries of Europe. In 1830 he was elected without opposition one of the Knights of the Shire in the Conservative interest, for the whole county of Lancaster, as the colleague of Lord Stanley, afterwards fourteenth Earl of Derby. He voted for the second reading of the Reform Bill in 1831, but not having been able to pledge himself to all its details he retired at the general election of that year. However, he was re-elected in 1832 for the Northern Division of the county (comprising the present Northern and North-Eastern Divisions) as the colleague of the late Earl of Derby (the fourteenth Earl). He continued to be one of the representatives of the old Northern