Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1110

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the close study of pictorial and dra- matic art, Mr. Wedmore travelled for a while abroad, and subsequently found acceptance as a writer on these subjects. His *' Studies in English Art" appeared in 1876, and it was followed by the " Masters of Genre Painting," 1880, and " Four Masters of Etching," 1883. Mr. Wedmore was successful in ob- taining, from the English world, a full recognition of the genius of the great etcher, M^ryon, previously almost unknown. In 1877 there appeared, reprinted from Temple Bar, " Pastorals of France," Mr. Wedmore's single work of poetical prose fiction. Mr. Wedmore has been for some years art critic of the Standard, dramatic critic of The Academy, and a contributor to the Nineteenth Century and the Fort- nightly Review,

WEIL, GusTAV, orientalist and historian, born at Saltzburg, April 24, 1808, is a grandson of the Rabbi of Metz, who introduced him to the study of the Talmud, with the view of making him a theologian. He preferred, however, the study of philology and history, and after preliminary lessons received in Paris, set out for the East, and resided five years in Cairo, where he mastered the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish languages, taught in the public schools, and made him- self useful as an interpreter. On his return to Germany in 1836 he received an appointment in the Library of Heidelbei^, and was made Professor of Oriental Lan- guages in the University in 1845. He has published many imi)ortant -works on the poetry of the Arabs, on the Koran, on the Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans, &c., all distinguished by ingenious criticisms, and an exact knowledge of Oriental sources. He published a new German translation of " The Arabian Nights" in 1837-41, a "Life of Mohammed" in 1843, a "History of the Caliphs" in 1846-51, a *' History of the Mussul-

man Peoples, from Mahomet to Selim," in 1866, and a biographical sketch of the celebrated philoso- pher, Levi-ben-Gerson, in 1869.

WEILL, Alixandrb, novelist and journalist, born in Alsace in 1813, of a Jewish family, at an early age acquired the Hebrew language. He went in 1828 to pursue his studies in Germany, where he had to suffer great vicis- situdes, and on his return to France in 1838, contributed articles to various political and literary jour- nals. He first came into notice when director of that portion of La Presse devoted to the discussion of foreign politics, and in March, 1848, the first of his letters against the circulars of Ledru-RoUin caused a gi*eat sensation. He is author of the work R^publique et Monar- chic," published in 1848, which passed through six editions; of "Les Fran^ais du XIX.« Si^cle," 1872 ; and of several successful novels.

WEIR, Harrison William, bom at Lewes, May 5, 1824, at an early age showed a great inclina- tion for studying natural history, and was, in 1837, articled to Mr. George Baxter, to learn designing on wood, colour-printing, and wood- engraving. Having in vain en- deavoured to get released from his engagement, he was elected a mem- ber of the new Society of Painters in Water-Colours in Feb., 1849, and some time before exhibited at the British Institution. His first pic- ture, the " Dead Shot," was after- wards exhibited in Suffolk Street and at the Royal Academy. Mr. Weir's first wood drawings ap- peared in the Illustrated London News. Amongst his best-known works are " Poetry of Nature," " Fimny Dogs with Funny Tales," and " The Adventures of a Bear." He has furnished illustrations for the Band of Hope Remew and the Children's Friend, has laboured to improve children's books and books for the poorer classes ; and is best