Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1054

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ton Lecturer at Oxford for the ensuing year.

TEMPLE, Sib Richard, Babt., G.C.S.I., entered the third class of the Bengal civil service in 18 i6, and eventually was appointed Political Resident at Hyderabad. He was Foreign Secretary and a Member of Council to the Governor- General of India from 186S to 1874. He was appointed President of the Statistical Ck>mmittee in 1868 ; also Secretary to the Order of the Star of India. In Jan., 187'1> he was appointed to superintend the relief operations in the famine-stricken districts of Bengal. He became Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal in 1875 ; was created a baronet in Aug., 1876 ; and was appointed Governor of the Presidency of Bombay in Jan., 1877, which office he held till March, I88O1 He was nominated an Extra Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India, Jan. 1, 1878. He is the author of ** Men and Events of my Time in India," 1882; and " Oriental Experience : a selection of essays and addresses delivered on various occasions/' 1883.

TENNIEL, John, artist, son of Mr. John Baptist Tenniel, born in London, in 1820, was educated at Kensington. At a very early age he showed a taste for art, and whilst a boy his first picture was exhibited, and sold at the Gallery of British Artists in Suffolk Street. He studied art in his own way, and may be said to have been entirely self-taught. He was a successful candidate in one of the Cartoon competitions in Westminster Hall in 1845, painted a fresco in the Palace at Westminster, and has only produced a few pictures since, chiefly for private collections. In 1851 he became a member of Punch's "staff," and from that time has contributed to the illustration of that periodical . He has illustrated, wholly or in part, many Christmas books and other works; amongst which may be mentioned " ^sop's

Fables, "Lalla Rookh." "The Ingoldsby Legends," and Once a Week.

TENNYSON, Alfbed, D.C.L., F.R.S., Poet Laureate, third son of the late Rev. G. C. Tennyson, the elder brother of the late Right Hon. C. Tennyson D'Eyncourt, was bom in 1809, at his father's par- sonage, at Somerby, Lincolnshire ; his mother, who died in 1865, being a daughter of the Rev. Stephen Fytche. He was educated by his father, and in due course proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1829 he gained the Chancellor's Medal by a poem in blank verse, entitled "Timbuctoo." With the excejption of a volume of poems published in conjunction with his brother Charles, when they were boys, and a prize poem, composed whilst an undergraduate at Cam- bridge, Mr. Tennyson did not pub- lish anything till 1830, when " Poems chiefly Lyrical " appeared, and from 1842 the steady and rapid growth of his fame may be traced. The two volumes then issued were in part merely a republication, but the most important poems were those added to his former produc- tions. It was at once apparent that the author of the "Mort d' Arthur," "Locksley Hall," the "May Queen," and the "Two Voices," was entitled to take the first rank among English poets, a reputation which was more than sustained by the two great works which followed. So well known and popular, indeed, had Mr. Tennyson become after the publi- cation of **In Memoriam," in 1850, that it seemed only a " matter of course," upon the death of Words- worth, in 1851, that the privilege of wearing " the laurel greener from the brows of him who uttered nothing base " should be offered to him. The " Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington " was pub - lished in 1852, on the morning of the fimeral ; and since that occur- rence few events of more than