Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1041

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mained in office until 1875, and on his retirement received a presentation from his congregation of £3,000. He became Professor of Historical Theology and Homiletics in New College, St. John's Wood, the same year, which office he still retains. He received the degree of D.D. at Edinburgh in 1869; was Congregational Lecturer in 1855, and Chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1356. He took an active part in the Conference at New York, 1873, and Basle, 1879, in connection with the Evangelical Alliance, of which he is an honorary secretary. Dr. Stoughton is the author of numerous works, of which the following are the principal: "Windsor in the olden Time," 1844; "Spiritual Heroes," 1848; "Ages of Christendom," 1856; "Church and State Two Hundred Tears Ago," 1862; "Ecclesiastical History of England," 5 vols., 1867–74; "Haunts and Homes of Martin Luther," 1875; "Lights of the World," 1876; "Progress of Divine Revelation," 1878; "Our English Bible: its Translations and Translators," 1878; "Worthies of Science," "Introduction to Historical Theology," "Footprints of Italian Reformers," "William Wilberforce," and "William Penn," 1882. The large work on Ecclesiastical History, continued to the end of the last century, has been re-published in 6 vols., 1881, under the title of "Religion in England from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the end of the Eighteenth Century."

STOWE, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of Lyman Beecher, born at Litchfield, Connecticut, June 15, 1811. She was associated with her sister Catharine in the labours of a school at Hartford in 1827, afterwards removed to Walnut Hill, near Cincinnati, and was married in 1832 to the Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, D.D. Mrs. Stowe wrote several tales and sketches, which were afterwards collected under the title of "The May Flower," 1849. In 1850 she contributed to the National Era, an anti-slavery paper published at Washington, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," as a serial. This was published in book-form in 1852, and met with great success; 313,000 copies were sold in the United States within three years and a half, and in all, over half a million copies, including a German edition. In Great Britain its sale was enormous. It has been translated into more than twenty languages, including Welsh, Russian, Armenian, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese; there were fourteen different German and four different French versions; and it was dramatised in various forms. She subsequently published, "A Peep into Uncle Tom's Cabin for Children," 1853; "A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin," giving the original facts and statements on which that work was based, 1853; and "The Christian Slave," a drama, founded upon "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 1855. "Uncle Sam's Emancipation" was issued in 1853. She visited Europe in 1853, and in the following year published "Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands." A little work entitled "Geography for My Children" was published in 1855, and the next year appeared her second anti-slavery novel, "Dred: a Tale of the Dismal Swamp," re-published in 1859 under the title of "Nina Gordon." In subsequent works Mrs. Stowe has delineated the domestic life of New England of fifty or a hundred years ago. Her other published works are, "Our Charley, and what to do with Him," 1859; "The Minister's Wooing," 1859; "The Pearl of Orr's Island," 1862; "Agnes of Sorrento," 1863; "Reply on Behalf of the Women of America to the Christian Address of many thousand Women of Great Britain," 1868; "The Ravages of a Carpet," 1864; "House and Home Papers," 1864; "Religious Poems," 1866; "Stories about our Dogs,"