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WHAT IS YOUR CREST AND MOTTO? — By sending Name and County, with 3s. 6d., a plain drawing will be sent; if painted in Heraldic Colorrs, 7s. Pedigrees traced. The arms of Man and Wife blended. The proper colour for Servant's Livery, what buttons to be used, and how the Carriage should be painted, according to Heraldic Rules. "The Manual of Heraldry," 400 Engravings, 3s. 6d. ; post-free by T. CULLETON, Genealogist, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C. The Heraldic Library open from Ten till Four.

SEAL-ENGRAVINGS, by CULLETON. — Crests engraved on Seals, Rings, Book-plates, and Steel Dies, for stamping paper. Livery Button Dies, £,2 2s. Crests engraved on Silver Spoons and Family Plate. A neat Desk Seal, with engraved Crest, 12s. 6d. Registered Letter, 6d. extra. Medal Dies and Medals. — T. CULLETON, Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C.

PULLETON'S GUINEA BOX OF STATIONERY contains a ream of the best Paper and 500 Envelopes, all stamped with Crest and Motto, Monogram, or Address, and the Steel Die engraved free of charge. — T. CULLETON, Die Sinker to the Board of Trade, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C.

RAISED MONOGRAMS by CULLETON. — Quarter-ream of Paper and 125 high-flap Envelopes, stamped in rich colours, with Monogram, 6s. No charge for engraving die. — T. CULLETON, Engraver to the Queen and Die Sinker to the Board of Trade, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C.

CIGNET RINGS by CULLETON, all 18-carat, Hall-marked. The most elegant Patterns in London. — £ 2 2s., £2 3s £4 4s £6 6s £6 16s massive, £,10 10s. ; heavy knuckledusters, £16 16s. Send size of finger, by fitting a piece of thread, and mention the price ring required.Arms. Crests, or Monogram engraved on the rings. — T. CULLETON, Seal Engraver, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C

CULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING LINEN require no preparation and are easily used. Initial Plate, 1s. ; Name Plate, 2s. 6d. ; Set of Moveable Numbers, 1s. 6d. ; Crest or Monogram Plate, 7s. 6d., with directions, post free for cash or stamps, by T. CULLETON, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C.

VISTTING CARDS by CULLETON,— Fifty, best quality, 2s. 8d., post free, including the engraving of copper plate, Wedding Cards, fifty each, fifty embossed envelopes, with maiden name, 13s. 6d. Memorial Cards printed, and Hatchments painted, on the shortest notice. — T. CULLETON, Seal Engraver, 25, Cranbourn St. (corner of St. Martin's Lane), W.C.

BALL PROGRAMMES, by CULLETON. — All the newest designs in Ball Programmes and Menu Cards for the reason. Ball, Breakfast, Dinner, and Wedding Invitation Cards and Notes of every description, printed in gold, silver, and colour, and beautifully stamped with arms, crest, or monograms. Silk Banners painted, Illuminated Vellums for Presentations, Votes of Thanks, &c. — Paintings on Berlin Paper for Needlework. — T. CULLETON, Engraver to the Queen and all the Royal Family, 25, Cranbourn Street (corner of St. Martin's Lane), London, W.C.