Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/63

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2. Stock-raising is an important occupation in Texas. On its grassy prairies immense herds of cattle and sheep find pasturage all the year; and the winters are so mild that no shelter is needed. Oklahoma also has fine herds of cattle.

The cattle are sent to the markets of the Eastern states, and are even shipped to Europe. The great stock farms are called ranches.

Gathering strawberries on the Coastal plain in North Carolina.

3. Oranges.—Florida is too hot for apples to thrive, and so, instead of apple orchards, we see here groves of orange trees.

The raising of oranges and other fruits is one of the important industries of this state.

4. Minerals.—Iron is mined in Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia; coal in Alabama; salt and sulphur in Louisiana; phosphate in Florida and South Carolina; coal and petroleum in Texas and Oklahoma, and some gold in Georgia and the Carolinas. Marble is quarried in Georgia and Tennessee.

Forty-seven teams of mules plowing on a cotton plantation in Mississippi.

5. The Manufactures of the Southern states are many and valuable. There are many furnaces,

Herding cattle on the plains of Texas.

foundries, sawmills, and cotton and woolen mills. In leading cities are cotton-seed-oil mills and ice factories—the latter supply most of the ice used in these states. Memphis manufactures cotton-seed oil and lumber; Nashville, flour and lumber; Atlanta, cotton goods, and foundry and machine shop products; Birmingham, iron and steel; Chattanooga, iron goods and lumber; Dallas, saddles and harness; Augusta, cotton goods; Houston, cottonseed oil.

6. New Orleans, on the Mississippi, is one of the greatest cotton ports, and sugar markets in the world. It is the largest city in the South, and is also the first city in manufacturing and commerce.

Steamships being loaded with cotton at the wharves of Galveston, Texas.

Galveston is now the largest exporting city in the South. Savannah, Charleston, and Mobile ship cotton and lumber. San Antonio and Little Rock are important inland cities.

For Recitation.—What is obtained from the pine forests of the South? What part of the South is famed for stock-raising? For what is Florida celebrated? Which of the Southern states are noted for manufactures? What are the great cotton markets?