Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/32

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What part of the map is north? South? East? West? What two continents are in the western hemisphere? In what direction is North America from South America? Point in the direction in which South America lies from us.

By what isthmus are North and South America connected? What ocean on the east of them? On the west?

What ocean round the North pole? What ocean round the South pole?

What four continents in the eastern hemisphere? What isthmus between Asia and Africa? In what direction is Africa from Asia?

Point in the direction in which Africa lies from us. In what direction is Australia from Asia?

What sea separates Africa and Europe? In what direction is Europe from Africa? Point in the direction in which Europe lies from us.

What ocean east of Asia? What ocean west of Africa? What ocean north of Europe and Asia?

What ocean between Africa and Australia?

What is the heavy black line crossing the middle of the hemispheres from east to west called? Equator means dividing equally.