Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/126

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A great deal of Turkey in Asia is desert, and much even of the fertile land is not cultivated. If a man raises a crop, the government takes a large part of it from him. The people therefore feel that it is not worth while to be industrious. Still many of the products are valuable.

Various grains, fruits, tobacco, and the poppy are raised, and a large quantity of silk is produced. Near the coast are the great sponge fisheries of the Mediterranean. Divers go down from boats to the bottom of the sea, and pull the sponges from the rocks.

The city of Smyrna.

Damascus is the oldest city in the world. It looks beautiful at a distance, but it is dirty and ruinous. Smyrna is the chief city and seaport. Its exports are figs, raisins, and rugs.

A giant fig tree.

The customs of the people are curious. The men shave their heads and wear turbans. These consist of several yards of linen or muslin wound round the head to protect the wearer from sunstroke.

When they enter their mosques, they take off their shoes instead of their turbans. In the evening crowds of people are seen drinking coffee and smoking in the coffee-houses, and eagerly listening to story-tellers.

Palestine, or the Holy Land, is in Turkey in Asia. Here are Jerusalem, once the capital of the Jewish nation; Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, and many other places that recall memories of the life and teaching of Christ.

Jerusalem. Place where the great Temple of Solomon stood.

For Recitation.—What have you learned of Afghanistan and Baluchistan? Of Persia? Of Arabia? Of Turkey in Asia?


Countries.—In what part of the continent? Name capital or an important city.

Siberia, Afghanistan,
Russian Turkestan, Turkey,
Chinese Empire, Siam,
Japan, Persia,
India, Arabia,
French Indo-China, Baluchistan.

Islands.Near what part of the coast? To what country does it belong?—Ceylon. Sakhalin. Formosa. Riu Kiu. Kuril.

Capes.On what part of the coast is each located?Cormorin. Cambodia. Lopatka. Deshnef. Chelyuskin.

Mountains.Where are they? In what direction do the ranges extend?Himalaya. Kuen Lun. Altai. Hindu Kush. Everest. Ararat. Sinai.

Seas, Bays, and Gulfs.Where is it?Red Sea. Arabian. China. Yellow. Sea of Japan. Okhotsk. Caspian Sea. Aral Sea. Bering. Bay of Bengal. Persian Gulf. Gulf of Siam.

Straits.Connects what waters? Separates what lands?Bab-el-Mander. Malacca. Korea. Bering.

Rivers.—Where does it rise? Into what does it flow?Ob. Yenisei. Lena. Amur Hoang. Yang-tze. Mekong. Brahmaputra, Ganges. Indus. Euphrates.

Lakes.Location.Balkash. Baikal.

Cities.In what country?Canton. Yokohama. Bombay. Madras. Isfahan. Smyrna. Lassa. Jerusalem. Mecca. Mocha. Damascus. Irkutsk.