Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/482

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orator and everything else lie would like to be." So here 's your decree ! I also wanted to introduce to you my sou, whom I have christened " Timou " after your name.

Timon. How can that be ? Seeing you 've not even got married — at least so far as I know.

Demeas. But I 'm going to take a wife next year — God willing — and shall have offspring, and I '11 at once name my prospective child "Timon," for it will be a son.

Timon. Well ! I don't know as you will any longer have a chance to get married — you fellow there — after receiving a good sound castigation from me. {Strikes.')

Demeas. Mercy on us ! "What does this mean ? Timon, are you aiming at absolute power and striking freemen, when not even you yourself are a genuine freeman ? But you shall speedily pay the proper penalty for your other crimes, and in particular for setting the Acropolis on fire.

Timon. But, you blackguard, the Acropolis has not been set on fire. Plainly, then, you are accusing me falsely.

Demeas. At least, you 've got rich by digging your way into the treasury.

Timon. Neither has that been entered with the spade. And so this charge also of yours is unlikely.

Demeas. It will be dug into hereafter. But you 've already got everything there was in it.

Timon. There ! take another whack ! {Dealing him a second blow.)

Demeas. Oh ! Oh ! My back ! {Putting his hands behind him.)

Timon. Have done with your bawling, or I '11 let